Think And Grow Rich

Think And Grow Rich

Think And Grow Rich

Reading and studying Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill has been instrumental in our business success and in our opinion should be on the recommended reading list for school children around the world.

Think And Grow Rich – The Story

We’re sure you know the story. On that night, Napoleon sat across the table from the world’s richest man, Andrew Carnegie, and agreed to take on a very unusual project. One that would involve great personal challenge and no direct pay.

 “… a formula that will enable you to condition your mind so thoroughly that nothing in the world can stop you
from completing the task you set your mind to.”

To discern this “magic formula”, Napoleon persevered for 20 years.

In 1928, he published his findings in a book called The Laws of Success. Over the next nine years, he refined his research and published his famous bestseller, Think and Grow Rich.

These great works went on to influence millions of people throughout the world. The long list of successful individuals who have learned from them and gone on to reach the highest levels of achievement in their fields is incomparable. And in the course of discovering and teaching the secrets they contained, Napoleon himself became immensely successful and wealthy as well.

We love to have a real book in our hands and actually have a limited signed edition of “Think And Grow Rich” and read from it every day.  It’s a  book of immense value that we treasure for the words alone.

We were presented this copy by Sharon Lechter Co-Author of Three Feet From Gold who also annotated “OutWitting The Devil” by Napoleon Hill   There’s a great story behind that you can read on our blog.  We even have a photograph of the annotated manuscript copy she worked on.


However, much as we love the feel of a real book we also like to have a copy where we can write our notes and highlight anything that is important to us.

You can Download your very own copy here.

If you know anyone who would benefit from their own copy please share this page and take the time to stop by and let us know something valuable you have learned from thebook.

To Your Success

Chris and Susan Signature

Think And Grow Rich

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