5 Million People Hate Their Job

5 Million People Hate Their Job

What a staggering statistic and no wonder there are so many unhappy and depressed people in the world …… and these statistics relate to just the UK!

New research carried out by careers advice and training service OneWorkLife.com found that nearly 1 in 5 (18%) of people in full or part-time employment said they hated their jobs. That’s more than five million UK workers across the UK who hate what they do for a living!

Other research highlights include:

* 18% of UK workers hate their job

* 11% hate their boss

* 7% hate the people they work with

* 27% have thought about changing career

* 14% say the only thing stopping them retraining is the cost

* 14% think they would have a better life if they retrained for a different career

* 31% would switch careers to get greater job satisfaction

* 35% want to switch to earn more money.

Source: Investor Today

That’s the bad news ……


Here’s the good news

* 32% would like to run their own business or become self-employed …….

……. and September is traditionally one of the peak times of the year when workers consider changing their lives.

If you are one of those 32% reading this article then here’s how you can take some positive action to start to bring about a change in your life.  We recently wrote an article on how to define your reason why with a handy pdf you can download to help you.

We know exactly where you are coming from and whilst we did actually love our management consultancy business (which we still have but scaled down) we hated the restrictions it placed on our life because it really was just like having a job!

So if you want to be one of those people who are ready for change then we know that we have a vehicle that can help you to do that – a sustainable business model and a system that you can follow that will give you the opportunity to live the life you want and to enjoy getting up in the morning to “go to work on your own business”   (This is not a networking marketing or multi level marketing opportunity)

I Love My JobSo if YOU want to ‘love your job’ as much as we do and you want to have a chat “Request a Callback” by completing the form below

Make 2011 the year that YOU make your passion your job and love what you do! Chris & Susan Beesley Signature P.S. Check out The Six Figure Mentors

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