Attitudes are contagious…is yours worth catching?
To be honest, sometimes our answer is “no”… .. and that’s about the time that we need to check our attitude!
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~Winston Churchill
Here are 7 Rules for staying positive from our friends at SimpleTruths
Wait to Worry
Did you know that only 8% of what we worry about every comes true?
Keep an Attitude of Gratitude
Count your blessings and write them down
Your Health is Your Wealth
If you lose your health you lose everything ….. take time to exercise , catch up on your sleep and eat right
Joy Boomerangs
Do something for someone else …… the good you do boomerangs back to you
Learn to say ‘No’
We have limits to our time, energy and interests
Understand the power of discipline
If you discipline yourself today you’ll enjoy your life tomorrow
Surround yourself with positive people
Find people who will challenge you, believe in you and inspire you to improve
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