Become A Blogging Superstar?

Become A Blogging Superstar?

become a blogging superstarIf you are not blogging and you are in business then you might just want to revisit that decision because those who are most successful in their business are blogging in new and exciting ways ….

Building their brands and building their businesses

Taking advantage of new trends such as Instagram and Pinterest

Just the other day there was an article on on the subject of blogging and how many were turning “savvy social into six figures” in the fashion industry

The point is that this is just about the fashion industry and it’s replicatable in any industry and on any subject

The custom content that bloggers create on behalf of the brand is something that you can’t compare with advertising because it’s very personal and very authentic


And Getting Bigger Every Day!

Read the article below…


Savvy Bloggers CNN PicHere’s what you need to understand about these bloggers:

#1 They are blogging about something they love and are passionate about

#2 They are NOT Internet Marketing Gurus

#3 Most of their blog content are pictures

#4 They do not have an ‘In Your Face‘ buy from me attitude. It is very subtle with sprinkled links here and there

#5 They do not own or promote their own products rather they are affiliates…

#6 They IMPLEMENT the Triangle of Trust

==> Email List ==> To go to Blog ==> to Watch Pure Content video and read pure content ==> Then casually recommend clicking on link for a little more info…

“…. with blogging becoming increasingly popular and everyone and their dogpenning their thoughts on their subject, what separates the professional bloggers from the amateurs: “Consistency” … the people who become successful do have a unique point of view, but the hard part is waking up every day and producing things over and over and over again.  Your audience wants to come to your blog and Instagram and see new content every day.

It’s why we decided blogging was the the way to build out our business from day one 4 years ago

Adding value, sharing our vision, what we learned

About entrepreneurism, mindset and marketing

It’s what our blogs have always stood for and why we have consistently taught blogging as a foundational business skill to our students

Why we chose to align ourselves with an organisation that promoted a blogging platform as it’s core signature product

Who are we

We’re former accountants of a certain age with 5 great kids and 3 grandchildren. We love skiing and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful business online

Learn more about how we built our 6 Figure Business Online with this FREE 7 Part Video Training Course

Authors : The Mindset Shift

Chris and Susan Costa RicaSkype : chrisbeesley1 susanbeesley1

Mobile/Cell: +44 (0)7802857551

Email :

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