Discover Your Wealth Profile
With so many people wanting to be wealthy it’s no wonder there is so much confusion about how is the best way to go about it. In this article we’ll be looking at wealth versus rich and why every person has a different path to wealth according to their wealth profile.
When you discover your personal wealth profile your pathway will be much easier to follow. I was totally surprised when I did the wealth profile myself (Susan) and discovered it was not at all as I expected at the time. Now however several years on it’s proved to be very accurate. More on that later.
Discover Your Wealth Profile : What is Wealth?
What do we mean by wealth? Being wealthy is not the same as being rich. If we were to take a room full of random people and give each one of them a million dollars that does not make them wealthy. Within six months many will have lost the money and within two years, most will have lost most of the money. Only a very few would have ended up with more.
Why is it that so many people who inherit a fortune or win the lottery end up losing all that money and end up back or even further back than where they started.
Why is it that so many of us continue to work so hard, earn so much and still have so little to show for it?
“I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something” – Jackie Mason
Losing money is not a problem when you don’t have any to lose, but as we find ourselves with excess cash (or debt) many new opportunities open up – and we can spend it or invest it in areas where we have little experience and little idea of the pitfalls ahead. We know this only too well with our property investment portfolio in 2005 that all but got wiped out in the recession of 2008.
Discover Your Wealth Profile : Definition of Wealth
“Wealth is not how much money you have. Wealth is what you’re left with when you lose all your money” – Roger Hamilton Creator Wealth Dynamics
You can request your very own guide and discover how you can create wealth by clicking this banner below …
If you are an entrepreneur reading this and want to discover your wealth profile and your pathway to long term wealth this guide (and the test which we highly recommend) will really help you to find ways to continuously attract money and opportunities.
Discover Your Wealth Profile : The Wealth Equation
There are millions of dollars flowing around the planet as a result of our wealth creation. Great wealth creators have achieved their wealth not by chasing this flow but by redirecting some of this flow through themselves. Each of us crates our own greatest wealth when we are in our own personal flow.
To discover your personal flow we highly recommend you take the Wealth Profile Test after downloading and reading your guide
There are Eight Wealth Profiles and each of us has our own flow which naturally links our dreams to our reality. It’s all explained in more detail inside the Entrepreneurs Wealth Profile Guide but here they are :-
- Creator
- Mechanic
- Star
- Lord
- Supporter
- Accumulator
- Trader
- Deal Maker
Everyone will have both a primary profile and a secondary profile
I promised I would share with you my profile (Susan) My primary profile is as a Creator (Richard Branson is a Creator Profile) and my secondary profile is a Mechanic (Mark Zuckererg Founder of Facebook is a Mechanic). You can read about them in the guide when you download it
Here’s what a Creator looks like (that’s me – Susan) Chris says it’s spot on!!!
Would love to know what your wealth dynamic profile is so do get back to us and let us know.
Thanks for reading Discover Your Wealth Profile
Who Are We
We’re former accountants of a certain age (60+) with 5 great kids and 4 grandchildren. We love skiing and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful business online and now speak on international stages following that passion. Our worldwide educational business is centered on online marketing business education and wealth creation and a desire to help you create financial freedom online through entrepreneurship whatever your age or experience.
Authors : The Mindset Shift
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