Review of Eldon Taylor I Believe – When What You Believe Matters

Review of Eldon Taylor I Believe

When What You Believe Matters

Eldon Taylor I Believe

Eldon Taylor I Believe Blog Tour

Last year we were invited to review a book by award-winning, New York Times best-selling author Eldon Taylor ” Self Hypnosis and Subliminal Technology” as part of a blog tour for the launch of the book.

A couple of months ago we received an invitation to take part in the blog tour for Eldon Taylor I Believe – When What You Believe Matters! This was a huge honour and we were delighted to participate.

We believe that Eldon Taylor I Believe is going to be a best seller.

Before you read the review just watch this short video …

Eldon Taylor I Believe Video

Review of Eldon Taylor I Believe

In this blog post we share our experiences and an honest review of his book.

Before we begin, we have to say that the cover of Eldon Taylor I Believe was magical and very well thought out and certainly eye catching enough to pick off the shelf in a book shop! It was clear a lot of thought had gone into the design.

There are 26 chapters and some 200 pages which makes it easy to read and digest. Eldon Taylor I Believe engages readers by asking questions and challenging his readers to think about how the information in the chapter can be applied to their personal life. With Eldon Taylor’s assistance, readers begin to see more clearly how they relate to the world, and that it is possible to make shifts in one’s own life just by examining and changing their beliefs.

We especially like that there is a CD included as people have different learning styles and we really like to listen to audio so this was a definite plus for us although we have not yet had the opportunity to listen to the audio version of Eldon Taylor I Believe.

We look forward to receiving a personally signed copy of Eldon Taylor I Believe with the included CD.

What we especially like is the conversational tone of Eldon Taylor I Believe and how he offers tools and advice without setting expectations, which is truly empowering. Also, he uses real-life examples and stories that people of all different ages and backgrounds can relate to. We especially like the story from Chapter 4, “Integrity Inviolate”

On a personal note, there are very few things more important than your personal integrity in all that you do. In today’s world of ‘over-promise and under-deliver‘ this for us is so important . When we say we’re going to help someone, whether that be on a personal basis as a friend or on a business basis as a mentor and coach our integrity must be unquestionable.

The story we really relate to in Eldon Taylor I Believe is where he describes being with his son at the ATM and getting $40 extra cash. It is such a great reminder of why integrity is so important. As parents it is up to us to share these values with our children and that story was particularly poignant (we have five grown up children of our own so we can recount similar stories where we have needed to demonstrate this quality or they have demonstrated it without our help)

There are so many different chapters of Eldon Taylor I Believe and stories we could recount in our review but what we see and what you see may be entirely different things which is why we would urge you to get your own copy of the book and to see things for yourself.

Summary of Elton Taylor I Believe – When What You Believe Matters

If you believe something about you or the world around you then that is how it is. If you wish to change something about you or the world around you then it is your personal responsibility to step up and do just that. Only YOU are responsible for your thoughts, words, and actions and only YOU can change them …. and you can if you believe you can.

Review of Eldon Taylor I Believe – Amazon

What is the foundation underpinning success in all areas of life? Is there a blueprint? What if you learned that your beliefs were the very cornerstones that supported success, and that having a few of these could give rise to success in some areas while complete failure in others? Would you choose to build a stronger overall foundation?

Very few people today doubt the power of positive thinking. We all know that if we expect to fail, then failure is inevitably what we get …..What you believe can and does have a huge impact on the quality of your life-from success in business to success in relationships, from your ability to learn and master new subjects to your ability to heal your own body. But have you ever stopped to consider your own beliefs …..

Eldon Taylor I Believe – When What You Believe Matters is going to be a book that we refer to often and use in our coaching and will definitely recommend to our business clients and students. We believe many people will have significant breakthroughs in their lives after reading his book.

Make sure you get your copy of Eldon Taylor I Believe and to find out more visit the author’s blog at

Chris and Susan Signature

Review of Book By Eldon Taylor I Believe – When What You Believe Matters


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