We never thought we would have to write a post about How To Get Help If Your Facebook Account Gets Hacked but as it happened to us just recently we thought we would share everything we found out so you can hopefully get your account back without a lot of unnecessary stress
Because make no mistake it is very stressful when your Facebook account is hacked especially if you are using Facebook for business purposes and have business pages (otherwise known as fan pages) and run an advertising account for paid marketing (which we do)
Sadly as we came to find out much of Facebook’s communication channels are automated and not monitored by real people. Therein lies the problem – it’s infuriatingly difficult even impossible to get any resolution for the majority of users who have any kind of problem as we discovered!
Simple hacks and blocked accounts can usually be dealt with in 24 hours. We just helped one of our students get her Facebook and Instagram accounts back after someone tried to hack into them and change her passwords. Luckily Facebook saw that this was unusual activity and locked her accounts. Well done Facebook 🙂
We had some advice for her on securing her accounts and we’ll share that with you at the end of this article.
Top Resources On How To Get Help If Your Facebook Account Gets Hacked
These are some of the best websites we found on how to get help if your Facebook account gets hacked or blocked
Start here and go through Facebook’s Help Centre
In most cases you should be about to get it resolved but you may find links broken since they became Meta. Just persevere and with luck ? you might get it resolved if it’s not too complicated an issue
If that fails then there are some resources to try
How To Recover When Your Facebook Account Is Hacked
Hacked And Fake Accounts Help Centre
How To Secure A Hacked Account
Our friend and fellow entrepreneurs and known as The Queen Of Facebook, Mari Smith put together a great article for her friends and followers after she too was subject to being the victim of a Facebook Hack herself. You can read it here
She created a directory of forms to help others contact Facebook but whilst it has been updated bear in mind that the havoc wreaked by the renaming of Facebook to Meta has created additional problems for users needing support such as broken links etc. Here’s her Directory of Forms To Contact Facebook
We wish you all the luck in the world in getting your personal problem with Facebook resolved and we will update this article if we find anything that will help you better.
Security Measures
Let’s look now at some of the things that you can do to keep your accounts safe. Yes we know it sounds like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted but just do it!
- Set Up 2 Factor Authentication and use an authentication app like DUO rather than your mobile number or email
- Use complex passwords of between 16-20 characters (numbers, letters, characters) and change them regularly
- Back up your data (instructions in settings)
- Always log out of your social media accounts properly not just close the tab in your browser
If you have a Facebook Business Page then make sure to add a trusted friend as an admin so they can help you recover your account (this person should also have 2 Factor Authentication set up)
The National Cyber Security Centre has some really good advice and a checklist so do take a read and get your own personal customised “To Do List” – it’s very worthwhile and better now than later as it only takes a few moments to be as secure as you possibly can be. See here
Additional Advice
Don’t use your Facebook Profile to set up and log into accounts like Canva where you might have created assets such a worksheets, presentations, images etc
If your Facebook Account is hacked you won’t be able to log in to any assets you own in Canva and that’s just another level of frustration you don’t need!
Word of warning
If you post about being hacked on social media you will get some people leave you a comment with a message to connect with some person on Instagram (usually giving you a hashtag reference) to get your account back and tell you they had success. It happened to us. Trust us these are scams. These people live on the dark side of the internet. Delete the comment and don’t get in to conversation with them. These are hackers!
The Final word
You’ll probably need copious amounts of patience – just don’t give up hope.
This will test your resilience!
Don’t rely on someone else’s platform. You don’t own it – you are just a tenant renting space there.
Have your own website(s) like we have and more important build a subscriber list of people who are genuinely interested in your business and your offers.
There’s no point boasting about having 5,000 friends if you don’t have a way to contact them.
If you have anything to add to make this article a useful resource do leave us a comment and we’ll make sure to update the information here
Stay safe