Just Another Mouse Click

Just Another Mouse Click

Just Another Mouse Click

Have you ever just hovered over the mouse willing yourself to click it and see what happens? Fearful (even terrified) of what might happen when you do? We know exactly what that feels like and in 2010 we made that click ….


Everything changed in that instant.  We were committed.

This post “Just Another Mouse Click” is inspired by Jeff Walker and his story (you will find it inside his book “Launch” – An Internet Millionaire’s Secret Formula to Sell Almost Anything Online, Build a Business You Love and Live the Life of Your Dreams)

We want you to picture yourself (especially if you are fearful of clicking that mouse and committing yourself to a change) as you read his story.

When he started out he had zero sales and marketing experience (just like us) and says that to a large extent that’s why he succeeded)

Just Another Mouse Click – The Story of Jeff Walker

Here’s the story as it unfolds …..

“It was just another mouse click … just like the hundreds or even thousands of mouse clicks you make every day.  But this was a really important click for me, and I hesitated.  My finger hovered over that button before I clicked.  Five seconds, ten seconds, and still I waited.  The truth is, I was terrified.  I had months of planning and years of hopes and dreams riding on that click. In fact, it felt like the future of my family was hanging in the balance.

Little did I know that mouse click was going to start a cascade of events that would literally change the very fact of marketing and business on the Internet.  But as I sat there at the home-made desk I had shoved into a corner of my dimly lit basement, there were not grand thoughts of anything more than making a few extra bucks to help support my family.  I was using a beat-up old computer, an old-school dial-up internet connection, and I hadn’t held a job in more than seven years….

But the real reason that I hesitated over that mouse click came down to one word – desperation.  I was desperate for a change.  I needed a success.  I needed to  make some money.  I needed to turn my life around.  And I had been waiting for(and working toward) this moment for too long …

~ Extract from Launch by Jeff Walker

He goes on to explain why he was making that decision (why it wasn’t really just another mouse click), about his family and that he needed to make a change.  That’s what the mouse click was all about – changing their life, crating a new and more prosperous future.  It was about launching a business.  It was about creating an income and changing his family’s fortunes.

Long story short that mouse click did make a difference and he went on to create something that would literally change thousands of lives.

If you prefer to listen we recorded this post on SoundCloud

Just Another Mouse Click

Here’s our perspective on all of this …

If you are wanting to get rich quick and that is your mindset then we wish you the best of luck and you are in the wrong place here.

The business you need to create (yes business) is one that must be highly profitable and give you greater flexibility in your life but also create value in the world and allow you to “do good” at whatever level you choose.

The reality is that the internet has completely changed the game for anyone who wants to have their own business.  It’s now easier, faster, and cheaper to start and run a business than at any time in history.

If you are researching don’t research forever – at some point you need to “click the mouse” and make a decision…. if you really are serious about changing your life and your income.

Make sure that you check out the business you are thinking of getting involved in and accept that there will always be reviews giving you both sides of the story – in our experience negative people look for an find negative reviews and positive people look for and find positive reviews.

Ultimately it is you who have to click the mouse so as to speak and commit to the investment.

Accept that not everything you find will work out but you will gain experience and finally find what you are looking for (we went through a couple of businesses which  failed before we got to where we are today)

We recommend that you get a copy of Launch by Jeff Walker and read not just his story but use the valuable training inside the book to transform your own business as you pursue your own journey

Chris and Susan Signature

About Us

We’re former accountants of a certain age with 5 great kids and 3 grandchildren. We love skiing and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful business online

Learn more about how we built our 6 Figure Business Online with this FREE 7 Part Video Training Course

Authors : The Mindset Shift

Chris and Susan Costa RicaSkype : chrisbeesley1 susanbeesley1


Email : info@chrisandsusanbeesley.com

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