What Do Successful Businesses Have in Common?

What do successful companies have in common?

An IdeaThat’s a question that has always intrigued us …..  and we don’t have the magic answer for you here but we do have some thoughts to share.

Chris and I have both spent a good part of our lifetime as entrepreneurs and been involved with starting up companies and helping others to do the same.

I started my first business in 1983 when my son Stuart was born (and long before I knew Chris)  and in 1993 a couple of years after I met Chris  we started a management consultancy business which we still have although our focus has changed somewhat.

All we can say is that in whatever we do we have a will to succeed – it’s not always easy and there are pitfalls along the way but if you persevere and never give up (in the words of Winston Churchill) you’ll get there in the end.

It all starts with an idea

Now, this blog post is not a story of our business life but rather an introduction to what we’ve discovered in most successful business owners …. an idea and the desire to succeed!

During our journey (which we are still on) we’ve learnt a lot along the way, reading books and studying the success and experiences of many men and women who launched successful companies.  There is so much to learn from them ….. and they weren’t all successful to begin with either!  They did all have a good idea though.

……. to name but a few

What were the keys to their success?

What did each company have in common?  The clue is in the title!

What's The Big IdeaWatch The Movie Here

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