Traffic Strategies And ‘Putting Your Eggs Into One Basket’

Traffic Strategies And ‘Putting Your Eggs Into One Basket’

Marketing Strategies Chris And Susan Beesley
We are sure that when you saw this headline you were wondering how we could connect traffic strategies and ‘eggs in one basket‘ together but you will see why in a moment.

The phrase ‘putting your eggs all into one basket‘ is one you are sure to have heard of before and we have found it relevant in so many aspects of our life and our business.

We don’t know about you but we have had some hardships dished out to us by doing exactly that but we have learnt from the experience and can therefore help you not to do the same – particularly where traffic strategies are concerned. Putting your ‘marketing strategies‘ eggs into one basket is definitely NOT a good idea but we see so many people do it ….. because it’s easy to do.

Traffic Strategies The Right Way

You need to diversity your traffic strategies and it will benefit you in the long run.

Marketing on the internet is constantly changing so diversifying our strategies is going to make your business stronger. Not to mention some strategies will give you quick results while others take time to manifest, but of course once they do, they are there for the long haul.

Take article marketing for example. This is a longer term traffic strategy as your articles once published are on the internet forever. If you have written them well with your keywords and a resource box with a link back to your website then whenever someone searches those keywords they will find your stuff. We get leads and sales from articles we wrote 3 years ago.

Here are just a few examples of traffic strategies to make sure you stay diversified in your marketing.

  • SEO (search engine optimization)
  • PPC (Pay-per-click)
  • PPV (Pay-per-view)
  • Solo Ads
  • Video Marketing
  • Blog Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • List Building – Email Marketing
  • Facebook & Social Media Marketing
  • Facebook PPC

These are just A FEW examples of what is out there. The key is to pick a few strategies you can relate with and learn how to do them.

TIP Look to see which best fits your schedule, personality, and budget. Then master one and move on to the next.

You don’t want to try to do everything and get overwhelmed. If this is where you are at, do not worry, most of us have been there at one time or another. We remember it well. Just pull back and concentrate on the method you are enjoying the most.

Over the coming weeks we will be sharing with you our tips on some of our favourite marketing and traffic strategies ….. starting with video marketing.

We work in the niche of online marketing education and training so we know how important it is to make available the skills in as many ways as possible, from membership sites to online coaching and live interactive events.

This year for the first time we opened up our home in the French Alps and held two Lifestyle Traffic Mastery Retreats where we spend one on one time with just six people going through different traffic strategies and helping them to design their very own traffic blueprint for their business.

We are running our very last Traffic Mastery Event in London in November where we will be working with just a small number of people over 2 days in a totally interactive training environment where we will show you the different traffice strategies we are using in our business and how you can use them in yours.



Traffic Mastery Chris And Susan Beesley

Whether you are brand new to online marketing or have been doing it for a while this course will definitely benefit you and your business ….. we wished something like this had been available when we got started. It would have saved one heck of a lot of hard work and “failing forward”.


Traffic Strategies And ‘Putting Your Eggs Into One Basket’


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