Video Marketing is a great way of promoting your business but you do need to get in front of a camera! Now you probably fall in to one of two camps – you either “love it” or “hate it”!
The thing is – video is here to stay and is a very powerful way to promote yourself, engage with your customers and prospective customers and sell more products and services.
We have been using video since 2005 but to be honest we were very nervous about being on camera to begin with. Now we think nothing of being in front of a webcam and sending a video email.
Funnily enough as we were writing this blog post we got an email from a fellow internet marketer, Gideo Shalwick (well known for video blogging) and he has recorded a fabulous video called “How to Crush the Fear of Being In Front of Camera” . We share it with you here and if you want to progress wth your video marketing we suggest you sign up to his video tips
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