What is the the number one mistake that people who are wanting to succeed online are making?
It is not having a list of your own!
It is not an option if you want to succeed and make money online. Think of some people who you consider to be the most successful on line and we guarantee that they all have large lists.
Their lists make them money and your list can make you money too. You must have your own list and you need to get one as soon as possible. You also need to use a email follow up system. Sounds simple but so many people do not do it!
Email is definitely the killer application on the internet and you need to be using it. Here are our simple steps to get you started:-
Step 1
Create an account with an autoresponder company. We use and like Aweber and suggest you use them too – you can get a trial account for $1 for the first month to get started! Don’t compromise – what you pay is what you get!
Step 2
Add a sign up box to every page on your website or blog inviting visitors to ask for more information. Add power to this by offering a gift.
Create a series of messages to go out to those visitors who give you their details and ask for more information. These are your subscribers.
The first messages you send out are very important as your new subscribers are most interested in you at this point. If you have a free gift to give them then this will be the first “message” that you deliver. It might be a PDF Report, an e-book, a video. Whatever fits within your particular niche.
There is no magic formula to how many messages to send out each week but every 3 days is good.
If you follow these basic steps you will now have a basic follow up system that will help you to make more sales.
The key, however is your relationship with your list. Always deliver value and content that they want. Do not try and sell dating products to your health and wellness list for example. They will quickly unsubscribe.
With the internet there is so much information that content for your messages (called broadcasts) is never in short supply. If people are not unsubscribing then they like your content. They may not buy immediately but a percentage of them will buy from you eventually and if they like what they get they will buy again.
It is your “job” to keep them happy and deliver what they want.
As they say “the money is in the list”. We prefer to say “the money is in the relationship with your list” You need to LOVE your list!