Affiliate Marketing Success Formula

 Affiliate Marketing Success Formula

Affiliate Marketing Success FormulaAffiliate Marketing Success Formula : If you’re looking for information to start affiliate marketing and increase your income, then this is a good place to start because we can save you a lot of time and effort searching for the information on affiliate marketing you need in order to make a decision if it’s for you.

To be honest when we started our online affiliate marketing business back in 2010 we didn’t really understand affiliate marketing or that it was in fact the model we were building our business around and these days it’s actually well known and a great way for someone just starting out to make money online.

Cutting to the chase, affiliate marketing is a great way of selling products that YOU don’t have to create, but can still getting paid on so if you are reading this and it interests you then it’s time to learn how with our  affiliate marketing success formula...

The Affiliate Marketing Success Formula

Making money online is more and more popular these days than it was when we started back in 2010. People understand that it’s possible, and more people want to do it, however, most are just lost on which direction to go. For us a great way to get started is following the affiliate marketing route.  They can sell online, but the benefit is they don’t want to have to create products, or stock products in their garage, and deal with shipping.

That’s where affiliate marketing fits in perfectly and especially for people in their 50’s and 60’s like us it’s a great way to start.  When you learn how to start with affiliate marketing, you’ll realise that most of the heavy lifting is done for you.

Other people create products, and even the offer (sales page) and will gladly pay you a percentage of the resulting sale  (commission) for referring people to their offers.  It’s a win/win for both parties. The product owner has you working to get the traffic to the offer which they convert on the back end and you get paid a commission for the referral.

Now let’s get down to the top tips which are essentially related to you putting the traffic (people) in front of the offer and converting that traffic so you get the commission.  It’s actually not complicated when you know the formula.  Some marketers will tell you a different story but this is how we see making money online from affiliate marketing  working for us.

Affiliate Marketing Success Formula # 1 Having An Audience or Target Market

Affiliate Marketing Success FormulaTo be successful with affiliate marketing you need a specific market that wants the offer that you’re promoting. The example we make because it is pretty much ridiculous is that you can’t sell a pill or potion to a dating niche (unless of course it’s a dating type pill or potion LOL)  Makes sense doesn’t it?

The people who are most likely to purchase a product that you’re promoting are the ones who already want it… or something like it.  You need to put the right product in front of the right people… people who have a problem that the product you are promoting can solve.  No convincing and persuading!

We call it finding a hungry market.  We have a picture that we use in our presentations that says it all… a  picture of cats waiting for a boat to arrive filled with fish.  Think of that picture whenever you are thinking about your target audience.  Of course if they were all well fed cats or the boat was bringing in flowers then that’s a different story altogether isn’t it.  Nothing like a little humour to make a point and why it’s one of our most important of the tops tips to getting started with affiliate marketing as well as our top affiliate success formula tip!

Trying to target and talk to “everyone” as we often see someone starting out do is not going to be as effective as it would to be specific about your target market’s wants and needs. That’s when the magic happens.

By example, we are in the business education and training niche teaching people how to start and grow an affiliate marketing business but we don’t target everyone.  Our target market are people like us in or approaching retirement in their 50’s and 60’s and from a professional or corporate background.  That’s our target market. It’s NOT everyone wanting to learn affiliate marketing or make money online through affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing Success Formula #2 Having An Offer

The offer is what it is that you are “offering” for sale. Maybe it’s a training series, a book, a video course, or even a membership site or program.

Your offer must solve the problems of the hungry audience you decide to target (Formula #1).

If you’ve done the work beforehand to find your specific audience, then finding a product to promote to them won’t be as hard will it?

There are numerous sites where you can find affiliate products to promote such as Clickbank or JVZoo but look for ones which are likely to convert well and have what we call “high gravity” (that means they have been tested and have got good conversion rates)

If you are already promoting an affiliate offer and not getting the results you expected it’s very likely that you are not putting the offer in front of the right people who are likely to convert (wrong traffic to wrong product).

Affiliate Marketing Success Formula #3 Traffic (People)

Affiliate Marketing Success FormulaOkay so you’ve got your target market, and you’ve got an offer for that market. Now you need to get traffic to that offer. Traffic is actually people but you will often see it depicted as cars on a road…often as a traffic jam packed with cars… Now you don’t want all those cars just specific models or the ones who will be interested in what you’ve got to offer.  We prefer to use a picture of people since that really is what we’re talking about here.  In a crowd of people ther are only going to be a few who are the right people for your offer…your target market see?

It’s your job as an affiliate marketer to find where these people hang out – social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram… YouTube, Google, Forums etc and then be where they are talking about what they are interested in

This can take the form of both paid and free marketing or best a combination of both.

Which brings us to the next of our Tips To Getting Started With Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing Success Formula #4 Marketing

This is a huge subject and we can’t go into a lot of details here but one of the best ways we have found to put the right offer in front of the right audience is Facebook.  The Facebook Advertising Platform is a portal of data you can access (for a fee) to put your message in front of the people who are right for your offer.

We do this alongside free marketing creating valuable content that earns us credibility and lets our audience get to know, like, and trust us. This means they’re more likely to buy what we’re promoting. A combination like this works very well especially for people like us in their 50’s and 60’s as we actually have a wealth of knowledge to share and resourceful enough to find what we don’t have to hand.

Remember we simply want to provide value to gain attention, and attract potential customers via our content, and that means giving them little titbits they can use right away and get some success with.

Affiliate Marketing Success Formula #5 Lead Generation (Prospects)

Someone becomes “a lead” when they give you their contact information (usually name and email) and give you permissin to keep them informed about your offers, your content, your value.  At this stage they are more likely to make a buying decision when you introduce them to your products and services.  We give people these labels but let’s not forget they are a person!

How do they do that you ask?

Well there a number of ways but we use certain techniques that encourage them (back to value again) such as creating a “lead magnet” (that’s something attractive and useful) to your perfect prospect and then use tools that allow us to collect their information and deliver the lead magnet

Let’s look at that in a bit more details using a personal example (we do what we teach remember!)

The Lead Magnet

Lead MagnetLike we said above to attract the right “lead or prospect” you have to answer one question that is hot on their agenda i.e. what benefit will it be to them.  We find that eBooks, and Mini Books or PDF Documents work really well either written by someone else (PLR) or that we have written ourselves or a combination.

Whatever it is that you are providing it has to be valuable information that will help them get  closer to solving their problem(s). If you do that then you will be seen in their mind as the person who can best help them (building the know, like and trust).

The Capture Page

A capture page is precisely that.  It is designed to collect “capture” information from your prospect

Here’s an example of a capture page below that follows on from the lead magnet we talked about above …

RIR Lead Capture Page

Your capture should have the following key elements

A headline that speaks to your perfect prospect and answers their problem so in this example “Is Your “Bucket List Retirement” A Pipe Dream

A Subscription Form with a call to action – Enter Your Details And Get Your FREE Copy Of The Retirement Income Revolution

The Email Auto-Responder

Filling out the subscription form allows you to collect the details of your prospect (we collect name and emails as you saw in the above example)  This allows us to deliver the free gift (the lead magnet – a book in this instance) via email and it’s all done automatically because we use an email auto-responder service that does the work for us.

It basically stores prospect data and delivers them emails regularly until such point as they decide to buy from you or unsubscribe because they are not interested in your offer any longer.

There are a number of auto responder services but Aweber is our preferred service and the one we recommend to our students and clients

And don’t panic if you don’t know how to write emails as in the affiliate marketing world most product owners will provide you with what we call a “swipe file” which are ready made emails for you to use.  They want you to succeed in marketing their programs and services after all!

Affiliate Marketing Success Formula #6 Conversion (Knowing Your Numbers)

As an affiliate marketer (promoting someone else’s products and services) you need to know some significant numbers but bearing in mind you don’t have control over the sales page of the company your are promoting the “pre-selling” that you do is very important.

But don’t get too hung up on statistics to the ‘nth degree that you don’t do any marketing The most  important are measuring how many visitors (clicks) you get to a website (lead capture page) and how many leads you get from that traffic going to that website.

The important factor you can control in promoting any affiliate offer will be the things we’ve talked about above:-

  • How well you know your target market
  • The value that you provide in your content to your target market
  • How well you capture attention, and display benefits of your lead magnet to get people to subscribe to your email list…
  • And how well you do with following up with your leads

Increasing lead conversion will in turn lead to increasing sales conversion

Now that you have our tops tips to getting started with affiliate marketing based on what we do not just what we know, we can suggest a great program where we go into all of this in much more detail…you can find out more here Yes it’s an affiliate program!

Everything we do is about helping entrepreneurs get the best education to be successful in business and if you are reading this and want to learn affiliate marketing then you are in the right place.

Thanks for reading and do leave us a comment or any feedback on what you’ve learned during your visit

Chris and Susan Signature

Who Are We

We’re former accountants of a certain age (60+) with 5 great kids and 4 grandchildren. We love skiing and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful business online and now speak on international stages following that passion and helping transform lives. We started an online education and training business helping entrepreneurs in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s create their ultimate retirement breakthrough and find a way to fund their retirement and fulfil their passion and purpose as midlife entrepreneurs.  Our worldwide educational business is centered on online marketing business education, financial literacy and wealth creation and a desire to help you create financial freedom through online entrepreneurship whatever your age or experience.

C&S SCS London Nov 2016Authors : The Mindset Shift

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