Choices And Illusions

Choices And Illusions

Choices And IllusionsToday we will be reviewing Choices And Illusions by New York Times best selling author Eldon Taylor – a book where he answers for you that BIG quesion – “How did I get where I am, and how to I get where I want to be

Now let’s face it, anyone can read and review a book but when there is a story behind it sharing the information becomes much more real and personal. We’re not sure if Eldon even knows this story because it’s only recently that we’ve shared it ourselves (another mindset shift).

We first became fascinated in the workings of the mind back in 2008/9 when the worldwide recession reared it’s ugly head and we were faced with some big decisions to  make.  Without a mindset shift (which we have gone on to write about ourselves) we could have let circumstances control our thoughts but we started reading all the books we could lay our hands on finding out how the mind operates and how it is that even when things don’t appear to be working out for you (that was exactly what was happening to us at that time) that you can create the life you’ve always wanted and realise your true potential through understanding how the mind works.  That’s when we first discovered Eldon’s InnerTalk Technology and became fans of his work recommending him to many friends and entrepreneurs who were struggling with that mindset shift.  We’ve since had the honour of reviewing his books and he’s also appeared as a guest on our entrepreneurs tv show where he became much loved by many of our associates, friends and business partners.

Regardless of whether you are interested in the science of thinking and beliefs, how your mind operates, how others control your thoughts or how you can make the world a better place we firmly believe Choices and Illusions will open your eyes to new possibilities.

If you are new to the world of entrepreneurship (since that is the readership of this blog) knowing how the mind works is going to be the best foundational knowledge we can offer you as you proceed along your journey of self discovery and success as an entrepreneur

We like to think of Choices and Illusions as the modern day version of “Think and Grow Rich” that most people are already familiar with.

Choices and Illusions tells the story of the journey into the workings of the human mind and our reason for being.  You will hear stories of ‘divine intervention’ and discover why you do the thing you do and do what you don’t wish to do … and realise that it’s actually never too late to be happy and successful regardless of your past actions.

We think that what Eldon says himself sums up beautifully what Choices and Illusions is about

“Many believe that self-help and self-improvement is about rags to riches, failure to success and so forth, when indeed it’s the beginning of a journey into self discovery.  Using our mind power is simply starting the engine on that path”

We would say that if you’ve found yourself somewhere in life where you don’t want to be then you should invest in yourself and read Choices and Illusions. We’re certain that when you realise how most of your actions are actually made by your subconscious you will come to understand the illusion you are living your life by and how you can find a new path and move from where you are to where you want to be.  It’s straight talking and backed up by science where it’s needed.

Here’s where you can get your copy of Choices and Illusions

Eldon Taylor is also the author of

  • I Believe
  • What If
  • Self Hypnosis and Subliminal Tecnology

We highly recommend them if you are someone fascinated by the workings of the mind as much as we are.

Thank you for joining us here today

Chris and Susan Signature




Who Are We

We’re retired accountants of a certain age (60+) with 5 great kids and 4 grandchildren. We love skiing and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful business online and now speak and train all over the world following that passion.  Our worldwide educational business is centered on online marketing business education and wealth creation and a desire to help you create financial freedom online through entrepreneurship whatever your age or experience.

Authors : The Mindset Shift

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