Commitment And Outcomes vs Goals And Dreams

Commitment And Outcomes vs Goals And Dreams

Commitment and OutcomesOn the final morning of our stay in Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic we got up early and recorded this video to help you put into perspective your goals and dreams versus your commitment and outcomes to your business

It’s something we come across all the time talking to prospective business partners and students who we mentor…

In fact we too made a recent commitment in our business because our dreams and goals just got a lot bigger and it was necessary to us to achieve our bigger outcomes

We had to shoot the video “Commitment and Outcomes” from Susan’s iPhone as all our equipment was packed ready to begin our journey home so it’s totally uncut and from the heart …

Commitment and Outcomes Video From Punta Cana

 The example Chris uses really puts it all into perspective

If your goal is to earn $10,000 a month (a high outcome) but your commitment is very low ($25 for example) to see if it works out then that is not a realistic commitment to outcome ratio.

It’s not that it’s impossible but rather the outcome (time) would need to be reduced considerably.

It’s all about a balance between commitment IN and Outcome OUT

The fact that we talk about MOBE (My Online Business Education) is nor relevant only that it applies whatever your business – we just used our personal experience to illustrate the point.

Recommended Reading : Three Feet From Gold by Sharon Lechter and Greg S Reid

Who Are We

We’re former accountants of a certain age with 5 great kids and 3 grandchildren. We love skiing and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful 6 figure business online and now speak on international stages following that passion.  Our business is centered on online marketing education and wealth creation and a desire to help you create financial freedom online through entrepreneurship whatever your age or experience.

Authors : The Mindset Shift

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