Designing Your Perfect Life

Designing Your Perfect Life

Designing Your Perfect LifeDesigning Your Perfect Life : As you probably know if you are a regular reader of our blog, one of our favourite entrepreneurs friends is Jeff Walker because… well he just has a very down to earth way of saying things

And as we come towards the end of 2018 and everyone begins to think about setting their goals and making plan for next year we thought we would do something different.

And that’s to share Jeff’s series on designing an incredible life… because quite frankly unless you really think about what your perfect life is going to look like then how will you go about achieving it!

Designing Your Perfect Life Video

We’ll bring you Part 2 and Part 3 when we get them so you can build the picture for yourself…

One thing Jeff talks about is how Tony Robbins was the first person he heard talking about Designing a Life and it’s funny that was where we first heard it too

We knew when we started our business what our financial goals were but how would we fit those with our other goals like travel  and adventure so right from the very beginning that was our focus.

We wanted to design a business that would be a route to financial freedom but also give us time and location freedom and that’s exactly what we did… we also wanted to share our knowledge with others so they could see what was possible if two “old folks” like us can do it then why not them!

You will hear Jeff talk about the commonalities amongst super successful people and those who aren’t having so much success and really it’s all about changing your circumstances.  And if you’re going to change your circumstances, the best way to do it is through intention.  It’s actually looking at your life and the areas in your life and saying, “What do I want my life to look like in that area?

What do I want my business to look like? What do I want my income to look like?” And then, start to create a vision for what you want.

We hope you enjoyed listening to Jeff and what he had to say, sharing his personal take on this and what he did about it (it certainly gives you ideas doesn’t it?)

So as we come into this end of this year, be intentional about your reflection on the past year. Reflect back and say, “What worked well and what do I want to do differently next year?” And then, think about being intentional for next year and planning out what is going to change, or what you want to bring more of, what you want to attract into your life in the coming year.

Thanks for reading today 🙂

Chris and Susan Signature

Who Are We

We’re former accountants of a certain age (60+) with 5 great kids and 4 grandchildren. We love skiing and travelling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful business online and now speak on international stages following that passion and helping transform lives. We started an online education and training business helping entrepreneurs in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s create their ultimate retirement breakthrough and find a way to fund their retirement and fulfil their passion and purpose as midlife entrepreneurs.  Our worldwide educational business is centered on online marketing business education, financial literacy and wealth creation and a desire to help you create financial freedom through online entrepreneurship whatever your age or experience.

C&S SeaWorldAuthors : The Mindset Shift

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