Every Day
This weekend we’re in London at a entrepreneur event teaching and training. There’s so much we could have chosen to train on but we decided to focus on the importance of the compound effect and of doing what’s required in your business EVERY DAY. It’s the things that you do in your business EVERY DAY that over time create success.
Just as each day begins with the sun rising so each day closes with the sun setting.
To begin our presentation we played a video from super successful millionaire entrepreneur Patrick Bet-David – It’s call The Life Of An Entrepreneur in 90 Seconds. It’s short and sharp and to the point and you cannot miss the key phrase “every day”
Every Day – The Life Of An Entrepreneur in 90 Seconds
The message in the video EVERY DAY
Doing the right things you need to do in your business every day will when compounded over time help you to achieve your goals
Most people only pay attention to the final product of a
successful entrepreneur.
They say things like, “ I can never be like them” or “they got lucky“.
What most don’t see, is what they’ve overcome.
All the struggles, the daily rejections, the heart aches…
the betrayals, the rumors, the criticism…
the empty bank account, and all those lonely nights while trying to make their vision a reality.You see the only difference between the one who quits and the one who doesn’t is
that they showed up every day,
they worked hard every day,
they hustled every day,
they learned from a proven mentor every day,
they improved every day;
They did all this even though they felt like quitting every day.
And eventually,
they became who they are today.
The only reason most entrepreneurs fail is that they don’t give enough attention to their business and fail to do the things that matter every day and that is the big “M” – Marketing!
Here’s our favourite quote which closed our presentation
“In 3 months from now you will thank yourself if you do this!”
Who Are We
We’re former accountants of a certain age with 5 great kids and 3 grandchildren. We love skiing and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful business online and now speak on international stages following that passion. Our worldwide educational business is centered on online marketing education and wealth creation and a desire to help you create financial freedom online through entrepreneurship whatever your age or experience.
Authors : The Mindset Shift
Skype : chrisbeesley1 susanbeesley1
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