We have just been reading “Born to Win” by Zig and Tom Ziglar – it really is a fantastic book and one that we would defintiely recommend you read … and the sign of the times – it is only available in the UK in the Kindle version! However, being the age we are we love to get our hands on the real paper version so we are looking forward to getting this – we had to order it from The States – it’s on its way.
You may well have come across the words of Zig Ziglar “you can have everything in life you want, if you will help enough other people get what they want” This is so true. It’s our own philosophy too.
There is no easy route to success, no ‘magic button’ that allows you to achieve success quickly or easily but there are strategies that will allow you to achieve a higher level of success faster and more easily and you will discover these inside the book.
Here’s an excerpt from the book that we think will help you – they are the keys to improving your level of success
WIN – this is the “want to”. The heart, the desire, the attitude, the passion
SKILL – this is the “how to”. This is the skiill, the process, the technical expertise
REFILL – this is reinforcing the Will and Skill. Will and Skill must be developed and reinforced daily.
Without Skill, no matter what you do, you will create an endless cycle of frustration and without Refill it is impossible to maintain the difference-making levels of Will and Skill you need to achieve the level of success you desire.
Choosing to be successful startes with choosing to do what successful people do. Successful people practice Will, Skill and Refill on a daily basis. “You are who you are and what you are because of what has gone into your mind. You can change who you are and what you are by changing what goes into your mind”
You can get the first few chapters of the book here
You can listen to the audio here
Here’s the key points in the book:-
Plan to Win
• Learn how to want to win and how to begin to win
• Know what you want in life and how to get it
• Value and purpose: the driving forces that fuel action
Prepare to Win
• You can do more than you think: knowledge gives you power
• Practice prepares you for victory
• Get the right advice
Expect to Win
• The power of encouragement and hope
• Don’t worry about results
• Always expect the best—be a positive thinker
Born to Win for Business
• Learn the sole reason your business exists
• Grow balance in every area of your life
• “Drive” your business to new levels of success
“You can’t control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond to what happens to you” Zig Ziglar
Share with us your success code – what do you do on a daily basis that makes a difference?