Make Your Word Gold

Make Your Word “Gold”

Let us ask you a question ….. What’s The Value of Your Word?

We were prompted to write this blog post to highlight the importance of keeping your word and retaining your integrity.

How many times have we said “yes” to invitations to webinars or events and then just not turned up.

No one minds if you say “NO” – in fact it is better that you do.

The reason that we thought to share this now is that over the past year we have attended many live events and many more “virtual” events or webinars and have taken huge value from them …… and if we couldn’t turn up for any reason we let the organisers know if we possibly could.  That’s just the way we are.

One very well known Internet Marketer insists that you let his team know if you can’t attend an event of his and this means that you will get a further invitation in the future.  If you don’t you won’t get a second chance.  Just because an event is FREE it doesn’t mean you should just not turn up because you changed your mind or didn’t feel like it.

Every day on Facebook there are events published – in fact we publish our weekly webshow on there – people say they will turn up – because at the time they are thinking they will.  The truth of the matter is that other “stuff” gets in the way and they don’t turn up.   It’s happened to us and I am sure it’s happened to you too.

The same applies to making appointments to meet up on  skype – just because it is “online” doesn’t make it OK to just not turn up.  It’s exactly the same as agreeing to meet up at a hotel or coffee shop.  If you can’t make it for any reason – let the other party know.

So let’s all manage our time better in 2012 and not over commit ourselves.

This is especially true if you are just starting out with your online business because it is so tempting to say YES to so many things when there is no way you can possibly do it all.

If you need help prioritising your time then we wrote about this a while back and have in fact included an e-book on the subject in our InternetLifestyleStarterKit

It’s not difficult to “keep your word”  We all understand things can change, even right before an event.   All you need to do is have the decency to send a quick text or make a call to say that you can’t make it.

Make Your Word Gold!

Chris and Susan Signature


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