Pay The Price – The Secret of Success

2011 is upon us and already some of you will have made resolutions or set goals for yourself and likely broken them or gone off track.  The reason being that we are human!

We found this great cartoon video from Gary Ryan Blair who has set a 100 day challenge and you can join him on Facebook to find out more.  Are you up for a 100 day challenge?

Here’s what he says

“What if I were to follow you with a camera crew 24 hours a day 7 days a week for the next 100 days while you went for your goals?

I bet 3 things would happen….

1. You would START doing the things you say you need to do.

2. You would STOP doing the things you know you shouldn’t be doing.

3. You would MAKE monumental performance gains and change your life”

If  you know someone who’s up for the 100 day challenge please share this with themif you mentor with us we’re here to support you too!

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