Writing Great Content – It Matters
We were doing some training the other night and the question of “what do I write about” came up. We were talking about blogging but it quickly led to article writing and to be honest they are pretty much one and the same thing and the same rules apply in our opinion.
People want to read great content that in general solves a problem they are having – so that’s what you write about ……
Say you were searching for say “how do I create my brand online” or “how do I write a good quality article” You would expect to find good quality articles and blog content on that subject.
We researched that for this article by typing in “how do I create my brand online” as an example and this took us to a blog post on Ezine Articles called
Content Planning : Creating Your Brand Identity
That is why writing great content matters. Why? Because if someone visits your website and reads your blog or your articles and they solved a problem for them then they will become return visitors to your website and may ultimately become customers.
When we first got online it was common practice to write short articles of about 400 words and pretty much any style was ok. Nowadays it is not quite like that. The premier article submission sites such as Ezine Articles will only accept good quality, unique articles that are a minimum of 500 – 600 words long
You can get lots of ideas and tips from the Ezine Articles Blog
Just the other day they published on their blog the importance of writing great content and in particular Content Planning so we thought we would follow through on that theme.
The writing seems to be the thing that holds people back – they don’t know what to write or how to write good content.
The fortunate thing is that today there are many ways that you can get round that – and in particular finding tools that you can use to write that content.
One of the tools that we use is called Article Builder This is an online software that produces high quality articles in numerous niches. There is a restriction to the number of copies they sell so there is no guarantee when you go there that you will be able to get it.
Here’s an example of one we wrote using Article Builder and posted on another website
There is another one that we have looked at and produced by the same person and like Article Builder it will also product quality articles for you but with reduced functionality (Article Builder will post automatically for you). This version is called Article Wizzard.
Planning And Writing Great Content
For many people the thought of planning a whole series of content whether that be articles of blog posts is something that would put them off straight away. To be honest, we also thought that to begin with but having been doing it for a while now we have found planning our content invaluable ….. especially since we write content on a number of sites.
We set out our subjects for the week – we may even have a theme and then we put down our headlines and get to work researching and bullet pointing what we want to cover. Sometimes of course news will break and we have to write something unscheduled but that’s the way it is.
There is also a very inexpensive tool you can use that sits on your desktop and helps you schedule your writing – it’s called 3o Minute Article Writing
Here are a few tips for writing great content:
#1 Choose an attention grabbing headline – be clear and consise (humorous if you want)
#2 Write quality content that answers or solves a problem. Think about the problem your readers want to solve then think about at least 6 ways the problem could be solved
#3 Find inspiration from something you see or hearon the TV, Radio, Internet or from your family even
#4 Research your topic, outline your story and get on with it. This is your view on the subject
# 5 Allow yourself time to review and amend your article before publishing or submitting to an article publishing site
# 6 Look at the resonse and feedback you get and do what works
# 7 Keep it simple ~ less is more and ~ do it now
If writing really isn’t your greatest strength then outsource it or get yourself some software that makes this task easier for you – we’ve given you some great sites where you can do that.
Don’t forget that article writing is a good way of getting yourself known and although time intensive is for the most part free marketing.
If you have any tips you would like to share with us please leave them in the comment box below and we will “share the luv” since we have that great little plugin installed on our site here.