Practice Makes Perfect
We don’t know about you but our parents always used to say “practice makes perfect” to us whenever we complained about not being immediately good at something – like football or ballet or whatever it was we were doing (obviously not ballet for Chris and not football for Susan).
It’s pretty much the same these days in anything. We want immediate and we want instant results without learning “the scales” and establishing good foundations. It’s why so many wannabe online entrepreneurs think they can just go out and “wing it” …. and they fall flat!
Practice Makes Perfect – Practice Your Scales Video
Follow Our 21 Step Practice Makes Perfect System
Here’s the story referred to in the “Practice Makes Perfect Video”
What do John Coltrane, Bob Dylan, and The Beatles all have in common?
Well, they’re all considered musical geniuses, of course.
But, another thing they have in common is that they all put in their time learning the basics.
The Beatles played 8-hour, everyday gigs in a tavern in Hamburg playing all sorts of songs. Standards, Elvis tunes, Chuck Berry songs. They played so many of the “basics” that they could play them in their sleep.
Then they went out and changed pop music forever.
Dylan was an obsessive student of the old folk, blues, country and early rock guys. He memorized the songs of his heroes like Woody Guthrie, Hank Williams and Little Richard.
Then he went out and changed rock and roll forever.
Legend has it that Coltrane practiced 8 hours a day until he died. Even after achieving world-wide fame as one of the greatest musicians of the 20th Century.
World class musicians practice over and over and over until they can perform flawlessly.
What does this have to do with your online business?
Well, it means that you should not skip the basics. You have to learn your “scales”. You have to follow in the footsteps of the masters who have come before you. You need to learn the basics before you can go out and start improvising.
It’s the foundation…the scales…the basics…that every online entrepreneur MUST know to succeed.
We’ll leave you with these wise words “practice makes perfect” – practice your scales and become a genius in your business
Who Are We
We’re former accountants of a certain age with 5 great kids and 3 grandchildren. We love skiing and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful 6 figure business online and now speak on international stages following our passion. Our business is centered on online marketing education and wealth creation and a desire to help you create financial freedom online.
Authors : The Mindset Shift
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