Quick Tips On How To Use Periscope

Quick Tips On How To Use Periscope

Quick Tips On How To Use PeriscopeThere’s been a big surge in live video broadcasting (video streaming) and thanks to smartphone apps like Periscope, users can record live video streams and share them with their audience literally in minutes.

However being a relative “newbie” in the live streaming marketplace you will find these quick tips on how to use Periscope invaluable setting up and using it.

FullSizeRenderYou can use Periscope to live stream an iPhone or android video from anywhere – like we did earlier this week from the 32nd Floor of The Shard (one of the tallest buildings in London) – giving some video marketing tips from our videographer.

It’s simple,  spontaneous and sexy and you can quickly gather a following from adding value and staying focus on your message.

That’s exactly what the people behind Periscope want – live video streams of what people are doing at that very moment

As marketers we look at how we can capitalise that and engage and build an audience and why these quick tips on how to use periscope are going to really help you while periscope is HOT

Quick Tips on How to Use Periscope

We’ve set out 7 of the the best quick tips on how to use periscope and there are of course many more.  Lets’s get the basics right and then work on the finer tuning.

Quick Tips on How To Use Periscope #1 Get The Periscope App

First of all you need to have a smart phone – an iPhone or an android and to download the Periscope App. It’s available on the iTunes store and the Google Play store

You also need a Twitter account – ours is @chris_susan and if you want to watch our Scopes then you need to follow us

Quick Tips on How To Use Periscope #2 How to Set Up Your Periscope

IMG_2408Once you are on the Periscope App then you need to add a title for your broadcast – you can see that ours was Live At The Shard London – Video Tips and we added emoji’s at the beginning and end to make it stand out.

We prepare our Periscope Title in advance and put it in a notepad file on our iPhone ready to copy and paste before we start our ‘Scope * See Choose A Compelling Title

You need to make sure to select either public or private before you start your broadcasts. Broadcasts are either public and available on everyone’s global feed (the default setting), or private – which requires the individual selection of each viewer

When you are ready to go hit “Start Broadcast”

The video will record what it sees so if you want to be the focal point rather than the scenery then tap the screen for the video image to flip to you – ours is a picture of a camera on the iPhone.  (This can take a little practice to get right!)

Note that you have to do your periscope in the vertical video format but hopefully they will change that in the near future

As for the length of your video broadcasts, remember that most people’s attention spans are fairly short – especially on mobile. If your broadcasts aren’t capitvating from the get-go, users will likely stop viewing your stream

Your broadcast will only be live for 24 hours but you will get a recording on your phone that you can use

Quick Tips on How To Use Periscope #3 – Choose a Compelling Title

Spend time coming up with a compelling title.

The title of your video is the only thing separating Periscope users scrolling through the “Featured” or “Recent” streams section of the app from clicking on your broadcast. All they’ll see is the title of the video and your name. Because of this, it’s vital that your title describe what your video is and why people should either tune in now or replay your stream later (up to 24 hours)

Quick Tips on How To Use Periscope #4 – Decide Your Content

Decide what you want to be doing with your ‘Scopes.  We love teaching and training so our content is going to be centered on education and training and we have a hashtag #AskChrisAndSusan

We have even experimented broadcasting live at an event we were attending “We’re Periscoping live from ….!”

Quick Tips on How To Use Periscope #5 Promote Your Scope

Screen Shot of Facebook Post To Promo periscopeYou need to prepare your audience in advance to watch your ‘Scope so make sure to let them know when you will be on and tease them on the subject.  You also need to remind them to download the Periscope App and to follow you on Twitter

Tell them on your usual social media channels and don’t forget to TWEET!

If you love video then record a 20 second video on your smart phone to Tweet to your followers

If you turn Twitter sharing on, then your broadcast will be shared with your Twitter followers in a tweet that follows the following formula: LIVE on #Periscope: [Video Title][Link to Video]

Quick Tips on How To Use Periscope #6 – Follow People

FullSizeRender (2)Make sure to follow people in your niche and don’t just follow anybody.  ‘More is Less’ has never been more true

You can use the search function on your Periscope App – it’s easy to use

On the other hand when doing your ‘Scope ask people to share with their followers to increase your audience

Know that reciprocation is the name of the game and will help you build your audience especially if you mention someone in your industry and who you suggest they follow.


Quick Tips on How To Use Periscope #7 – Hearts Matter

You show appreciation when viewing a ‘Scope by sending hearts.  You do this by tapping your smart phone screen as you are viewing. Likewise your followers will show appreciation for your broadcasts by giving  you hearts.

Also know that responding to comments live as you see them is important.  If you can’t do that live then respond after you finish your broadcast as the whole thing is about engagement.


Quick Tips on How To Use Periscope #8  Make Sure People Can Find You On Periscope

Chris and Susan on PeriscopeThis is an extra quick tip on how to use Periscope because its important that you make your profile stand out with key words so that people will choose to follow you.

It’s very easy to change – it pulls in your Twitter Profile to begin with but you can tap on your profile and start editing your description.

You will probably want to have a number of goes at this until you get it just right.

Follow us on Twitter @chris_susan  and on Periscope Chris Susan Beesley


For up to date information on using Periscope and FAQ’s go to Periscope.TV

For more tips on using Periscope check out Hubspot

This is all very new so be prepared to ‘learn as you do‘ and have fun doing it

Who Are We

We’re former accountants of a certain age with 5 great kids and 3 grandchildren. We love skiing and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful 6 figure business online and now speak on international stages following that passion.  Our business is centered on online marketing education and wealth creation and a desire to help you create financial freedom online through entrepreneurship whatever your age or experience.

Authors : The Mindset Shift

ode to excellenceSkype : chrisbeesley1   susanbeesley1

Mobile/Cell: +44 (0)7802857551

Email : info@chrisandsusanbeesley.com

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