Retire Inspire Story

Retire Inspire Story

Retire Inspire StoryRetire Inspire Story : If you are thinking about retirement this is a must-read. Why?  Because in 2016, the first of the Baby Boomers started to turn 70 and this has triggered the largest social phenomena on the planetretirement. This year and for the next 20 years EVERY day will be a world record for people retiring and a significant percentage of those will be professional retirees like ourselves and those who are 5-7 years out from retiring.

Retire Inspire 1 is not just a retirement story but also brings together 23 world experts on retiring well. As you would expect, there are financial experts who have contributed with their retirement story but there are also experts in health, leisure, life satisfaction and contribution etc all important factors in achieving fulfilment in retirement.

Our Retire Inspire Story

Our Retire Inspire Story is called “Retiring The New Way” and whilst it should not in any way be construed as financial advice, we share the challenge we faced approaching our retirement and how we overcame it through exploring the world of entrepreneurship

Transcript Of Our Retire Inspire Story

“Hi, it’s Chris and Susan and right now it’s I’d love to say brilliant sunny day here in the mountains, but that’s what the mountains are all about, they change and it’s not quite so sunny. But, it is one of our most favourite places in the world and it was where we originally dreamed that we would retire to, and that was the pure, pure reason for us working all the years we did, just like everybody else so you can retire and have the lifestyle that you’ve dreamed of, but sometimes things don’t work out quite the way that you expect, do they?

No, and if you look between our heads there’s a ski run down there, and that is an off piste ski run and it goes straight down into our village of Moulin just by our house. And it’s probably the most scary ski run you’ve ever seen. I’ve said to Susan I’m not going to ski it but I’d love to get a helicopter up to the top land on the top and then just look down, see our house, see our village then jump back in the helicopter and fly back. And I think one day I’m going to do that.

Actually for many years, I’ve got to tell you this story. For many years we would sit in our courtyard in the sunshine, in the snow and Chris would go “I’m going to do that one day, I’m going to do that” I’d say, you go do it, I’ll be sitting in the courtyard with a pair of binoculars and a video camera and I’m going to watch, so yes.

But the thing is, why are we shooting this video? Well, firstly we have just launched, co-authored with I think about 20 other people, 21 other people, a new book. And it’s called Retire Inspire. Now I think it might be series because it’s actually called Retire Inspire 1, so there’s probably going to be a series, but the thing about this book is that it’s a collaboration of people’s thoughts and I guess – opinions.

Opinions and experiences of retirement because retirement is not just about money, retirement is about wealth and health and having something to do. It’s about what’s the word I’m looking for? I can’t think of the world.


Fulfilment that’s the word. You know, you have to have a retirement that fulfils you, gives you something to get up in the morning for. You have to be inspired to do something. And to be honest, in today’s world, with the internet and the way we can travel very quickly and that, it’s so different to what it was let’s say in our grandparent’s days when basically they used to work for 40 odd years, you know, save up for their pension and then at 60 or 65 they would retire and live out the last few years of their life doing whatever it is that they did. But, you know, my grandparents didn’t travel around the world-

And nor did mine.

And do all these sorts of things that we can do now. And I think that’s the big change that makes people want to do something different.

Definitely. So, we would love you to go and get a copy and read it

As Chris said, I think it’s 21, 22, maybe 23 co-authors of this book now. It just kept getting bigger and bigger as time went by, and there will be a second version. And actually we would love to know your retirement story because it could well feature in the next edition, but it is a number one best seller in it’s first week as a Kindle release on Amazon, and the paperback has just released this week as we travelled out here to the mountains.

So it’s going to somewhere around this video. I’ll give you a link so you can go and make your choice. Either the Kindle version if you like to read your books that way or the paperback. We’re old fashioned, we love paperbacks. Our chapter inside that, well, if you’ve followed us for any length of time you know we talk about “retiring the new way” and we share our story of how we did just that and how hundreds and thousands of other people who have heard our story are doing the same. So whether it’s lifestyle, income, health, wellness, that you want in your retirement, you’re going to find a story inside here that satisfies you.

It’s going to inspire you to do something.

Yes, inspire, you, two perfect words. RETIRE INSPIRE couldn’t be a better combination for a book title, and yes, we absolutely love being a part of this, and we love sharing our story. And actually we want to know your story too. So, thanks for watching this video. We’re going to go and get some lunch now. It doesn’t look like the sun’s going to come out but we hope you enjoy our views of the mountain anyway.

Yes, see you again soon, bye for now.”

How To Get Your Copy Of Retire Inspire

Retire Inspire StoryKindle :
Paperback :

Sharing your story matters…how else will you be able to connect with those people who resonate with your vision and mission and who you can INSPIRE with not just your story but your products, services and solution to their problem.

Who would have thought 9 years ago that our retirement story Retiring The New Way would be featured in a #1 Amazon Bestseller and reach #2 for Retirement Financial Planning…

Thanks for being part of our journey and joining us here today and look forward to helping you achieve your retirement dreams and goals

PS Don’t forget to share your story with us in the comments… it could be in the next edition of Retire Inspire

Chris and Susan Signature

Who Are We

We’re former accountants of a certain age with 5 great kids, 4 grandchildren and a cat named Vincent. We love skiing, the mountains and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful business online and now speak on international stages following our passion.  Our business is centered on online marketing, financial and business education for boomers and seniors.  You can find out more and ways to work with us here

Authors : The Mindset Shift  The Mindset Shift Goal Setting Secrets  Retire Inspire

C&S SCS London Nov 2016Skype : chrisbeesley1 susanbeesley1

Mobile/Cell: +44 (0)7802857551

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