Simple Success Formula

Simple Success Formula

Simple Success FormulaSimple Success Formula : You might think success in business comes down to a complex set of factors – choosing the right business model, being in the right place at the right time, having the right team, knowing how to market…

Not to imply that any of those factors are not important, but don’t overlook the basics.

Simply by focusing on the basics – taking action, having a positive attitude, being pleasant towards others and remembering why you’re doing this – you will be surprised at how far they can take you.

It’s why we’ve chosen this picture to represent the simple success formula – after all she didn’t get to the top of the mountain just thinking about it!

This video filmed at a recent mastermind in Jamaica explains the simple success formula … and it’s not anything like as difficult as you thin!


If you only take one thing away from this training (and nothing more) it should be this. Take action. If you don’t take action, it’s for sure that you won’t reach the success you want.

This advice may sound obvious, but so many people don’t follow it. A lot of the time, you will be hesitant because you’re not sure what the right action is, and you run the risk of wasting a lot of time hoping that the answer will eventually come to you.

Accept that sometimes you won’t know what action is the right one. Don’t let this stop you. Any action is better than no action at all. Be willing to make mistakes and the answers will come to you later.


You can’t become successful on your own. You’re always going to work as part of a team – whether it’s your staff, your peers, your mentors or your business partners.

Bob Ladouceur was the coach of the De La Salle High School football team in California. Between 1992 and 2004, under his coaching, the team experienced a winning streak of 151 games without a loss. The unprecedented winning streak was even adapted for a movie.

When interviewed for a business magazine, Bob Ladouceur answered what his team did differently to achieve such a winning streak. They were running the same offence and defence, they didn’t seem to be using any new and creative tactics and their players were even considered small and undersized.

Bob Ladouceur explained his team’s difference. He taught them to simply love each other.

It’s easy to overlook such a simple principle, but it can go a long way. The same is true in business. If you love your team, you will fight harder for them. If you’re focused on only yourself, you are going to fall and bring down your team with you.  You might not have a team to begin with but one day you will and this principle will serve you well.


Finally, find your motivation. Remember why you got into business to start with, and find what it is that keeps you going through the tough times.

Is it your team? Your retirement? Your family? Find what motivates you, keep it in mind and the rest will sort out itself.

You can access more beginner business strategies like this one, and learn how to model the “thinking patterns” of the world’s most successful business owners and entrepreneurs, in the MOBE Silver Masterclass. To learn more click here.

Thanks for joining us for one of our private mastermind trainings – we hope you found it helpful



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Who Are We

We’re former accountants of a certain age (60+) with 5 great kids and 4 grandchildren. We love skiing and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful business online and now speak on international stages following that passion and helping transform lives. We started an online education and training business helping entrepreneurs in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s create their ultimate retirement breakthrough and find a way to fund their retirement and fulfil their passion and purpose as midlife entrepreneurs.  Our worldwide educational business is centered on online marketing business education, financial literacy and wealth creation and a desire to help you create financial freedom through online entrepreneurship whatever your age or experience.

C&S SCS London Nov 2016Authors : The Mindset Shift

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