Social Proof Counts

There is no doubt that social proof makes all the difference to how people see you and it is not something you can make up or spoof.  When someone else talks about you or recommends you that is social proof and it is a great feeling for both the recipient and the person giving the testimonial when it is generously given.

We are avid fans of Katie Freiling and members of The Unified Tribe so it is great to be able to re-blog such great content and there is no need to pretend it is your own content.

This is what she says

“When you have great social proof on your blog, your visitors are much more likely to want to follow you, listen to you, and buy from you because they SEE that what you are sharing is really valuable!

Even if you don’t have a product or service of your own just yet… You can still simply and easily grab testimonials from Twitter and add them to your blog whenever someone sends you a “tweet” that sings your praises! ”

Watch the training video down below to learn how to get this set up on your blog right away

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