Sunsets For Shalin

Sunsets For Shalin

Sunsets For ShalinSunsets For Shalin : Two years ago quite by chance we came across an article written on Huffington Post – we’ll give you the link at the end of this post so you can read it.  We really don’t remember how we got there but Shalin’s story inspired us do all that we could to personally travel to as many places as we could and see as many sunsets as we could and share that vision with as many people in or approaching retirement as we could …. after all we never know when our time will come and there will be no more sunsets or sunrises to experience and what exactly have we been working for all our lives?

This year we’ve taken two sunset cruises (Mexico and Costa Rica), seen dolphins at sunset in Mexico, been horse riding along the beach at sunset in Costa Rica and now as we write this we’re in Spain and last night experienced one of the most glorious sunsets as we have seen here as we walked along the beach.

We write this to share how important it is to have those experiences you most want in life and to find a way to have them if it seems impossible for you right now … and if you like us are in or approaching retirement to find a way to have the retirement lifestyle you deserve – what we call a “limitless retirement

Here’s Shalin’s words of wisdom as he passed to a new sunset at just 22 years of age and to quote “Shalin passed away peacefully surrounded by his parents, Frances [his wife] and close family. At the time, his loved ones were all sharing what Shalin had taught them and how he had influenced their lives. Just as his father finished speaking, as the sun was starting to set, Shalin passed at 7:13 PM. It was beautiful, and just how Shalin would’ve wanted it”

Inspiring The World To Treasure Every Day And Every Sunset

Take a moment to enjoy a sunset every day and reflect on the gift of life….

No room for hatred in my heart

Stay positive, no time for negativity, no complaints or regrets

Life is perfect. I would not change one thing about Life or about myself or anyone or anything I know, everyone in the world is perfect in their own ways and serves a specific role in the universe

Ban negative thoughts

Do not judge people (you are no better than everyone else) and they are no better than you, don’t mind yourself with what others choose to do, truly wish for the happiness of others, be self-confident and proud of the quirks and idiosyncrasies of who you are because you are part of an ecosystem that would not be the same without your existence (you play an essential role in the universe), only concern yourself with your own decisions and actions, be mindful of how much you need (don’t take more than what you need) know what you want out of life and only take the necessary resources to execute your life’s ambitions, minimize gluttony and waste, waste is an unavoidable part of life, I want everyone else to be as happy as they possibly can be (I want to help them reach their wildest ambitions, I want to volunteer and give to the less fortunate, I want to take my more fortuitous situation and spread it to others

Life is perfect, all of the quirks are what makes life beautiful, the essence of being a human being is beautiful, time is a flowing stream and measurements of time (i.e. minutes, days) distract you from the fact that time is a constant stream, metaphysics and the workings of nature are beautiful and I have the upmost appreciation for everything

Keep an open mind: do not have pre-conceived notions, put in an effort to like things (songs, celebrities, people)

I have an infinite understanding, I understand everyone else’s decisions because they are fundamentally human like me and we are all driven by the same intrinsic human nature and I can never be mad at them for making any decision

Circle of life. Ecological network. Reincarnation. Nirvana.

The greatest joys come from the simple things in life. Appreciate the simple things.

Have fun, enjoy life all the time

Bad has to exist in order to appreciate good, relativity and perspective

Love and happiness are essential forces like gravity

Show appreciation and thanks to everyone for even very small acts

There is no need to try to impress others and make them jealous, do what you want to do, no matter what you do in life you cannot be arrogant because everyone is human, no better or worse than you. At the same time, there is no reason you should feel jealous or insecure around others regardless of their lives, achievements, good looks, wealth, etc.

Open a meditation center and teach others how to live happier lives

Enjoy everything you do, even those which you do not like doing

Giving to others is an act of spreading love

Do not do things for personal gain, do not take advantage of others, do not look for recognition or praise

Don’t compete with others or compare yourself with others

Fill yourself with energy, boundless energy (feel alive)

Life is what you make of it, put in effort to excel. Make the most of what you have

Life is not a competition

No right/wrong way to live your life

There is no such thing as better, only better suited”

In a final letter to his family and friends, Shalin wrote, “I guess you can say I finally figured out why all of this has happened to me, it’s to give me the opportunity to do this. I found my ‘purpose in life.”

“When you’re faced with certain death, nothing matters except your truth. What’s the meaning of your life? How do you find happiness? What will your legacy be? What is your truth?”

We hope you will share this with someone you know who would be touched with his wisdom – the hashtag to share is #SunsetsForShalin

Here’s the link to the article we read on Huffington Post

Chris and Susan Signature




Who Are We

We’re former accountants of a certain age (60+) with 5 great kids and 4 grandchildren. We love skiing and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful business online and now speak on international stages following that passion.  Our worldwide educational business is centered on online marketing business education, financial literacy and wealth creation and a desire to help you create financial freedom online through online entrepreneurship whatever your age or experience.

Chris And Susan Beesley Costa Rica Sun SetAuthors : The Mindset Shift

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