Surfing Costa Rica

Surfing Costa Rica

Surfing Costa RicaSurfing Costa Rica : There are certain times in your life when you are presented with opportunities.  You can either say YES or you can listen to those little voices in your head and say NO.  Just the other day we were presented with two opportunities.  The first was horse riding along the beach and the second was to learn surfing (they’ve got some amazing waves for beginners here so we were told)

There wasn’t one of us who said they wouldn’t have a go at either horse riding or surfing.  Susan did the horse riding and I did the surfing …

For many people however when offered the opportunity to do something out of their comfort zone it’s a big challenge …. those voices in your ear telling you not to do it.

We recorded this video the next day (yes we had been pushed outside our comfort zone but definitely glad we did it) just to talk about that issue.  Hope you find it helpful

Surfing Costa Rica Video

It really is a mindset shift to move from where you are to where you want to be and especially if it’s to start a new business or explore a new opportunity of some kind in your life.

We can only tell you our experience and having written a book on the subject that your biggest fear is usually unfounded.

The thing is though that we had good teachers with us showing us what to do every step of the way… seeing Chris stand up and surf his first wave was awesome.  His teacher thought so too … reckon he’s hooked now 🙂

Surfing Cosgta RIcaThe sunset on the beach was absolutely amazing so we’re going to share this photo  with you ….

Check out our other posts from Costa Rica

We’ll see you again on our next post?

PS  If you want to know what we are doing in Costa Rica … last week we were at a private “closed door” retreat with six, seven and eight figure earners in MOBE sharing what was working for each of us in our business.  Each day we then went out on some amazing adventures including a sunset yacht cruise, zip lining, horse riding and surfing …

This week we will be training at the MOBE Diamond Mastermind sharing our knowledge and helping people just like us who made that all important decision to take their businesses to the next level ….

Chris and Susan Signature




Who Are We

We’re former accountants of a certain age (60+) with 5 great kids and 4 grandchildren. We love skiing and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful business online and now speak on international stages following that passion.  Our worldwide educational business is centered on online marketing business education and wealth creation and a desire to help you create financial freedom online through entrepreneurship whatever your age or experience.

Living The Costa Rica DreamAuthors : The Mindset Shift

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