The 8 Reasons That Stop You Becoming An Entrepreneur (And How To Overcome Them)

The 8 Reasons That Stop You Becoming An Entrepreneur

The 8 Reasons That Stop You Becoming An EntrepreneurSo what are the 8 reasons that stop you becoming an entrepreneur?  We think as you read through them you might recognise at least one or two.  The great thing is that any of these reasons can be overcome if you really and truly want to become an entrepreneur.


How do we know that?  Because we work with ‘wannabe’ entrepreneurs all the time and we’ve probably come across all of these plus more “excuses” many many times!

If you’re reading this then maybe it’s the encouragement you need to say “YES I can overcome at least one or more of the 8 reasons that stop you becoming an entrepreneur!” and that’s a step in the right direction.

The 8 Reasons That Stop You Becoming An Entrepreneur

1.  Have A Good Idea But Can’t Get Beyond the Dream

This is all too common.  They have a BIG Dream usually or a fantastic idea but that’s where it all stops.  They don’t implement any of it so it’s destined for the trash and they carry on doing what they’ve always done.

2. Fear of failure or embarrassment

This one goes hand in hand with #1.  The reason they don’t implement the idea or begin to take action to fulfil the dream is fear of failure or embarrassment that it will all go horribly wrong.  Sometimes it will but that’s the way of an entrepreneur.  It’s the failures that make us successful.  Just ask Richard Branson next time you meet him!

Don’t let your fear of possible failure or over analysing risk stop you.

3. Perceived Lack of Skills & Experience

This is a wonderful “excuse” when realistically in this day and age and everything that’s available to wannabe entrepreneurs it’s NO EXCUSE!

If two 60 year old accountants can learn new skills and be successful then anyone can!

4. Trying to be PERFECT

We know this one only too well as it was us once upon a time until our mentor said “Chris and Susan – good is good enough”   Those powerful words are those we have taken to heart and shared with our own students.  Those who hang around trying to perfect their idea before launching it will quickly find themselves left behind especially in this fast moving internet age.

We’re now half way through the 8 reasons that stop you becoming an entrepreneur and if you recognised any of them in yourself you know you can get past them …

5. Unable to avoid distractions and stay focused

“Focus” is the key to success as an entrepreneur.  A business that tries to do too many things will likely excel at none. Focus means keeping priorities straight, separating important from urgent, organizing and delegating.  If you are a solo entrepreneur then this is more important than anything but know it can be donw

6.  Make “excuses”

We covered this one earlier under #3 but it’s an important one.  When we become accountable and know we can get over objections and that it stops with you (whatever it is you are looking for an excuse for)  Become accountable for your actions and it all changes.

7.  Believe they don’t have ‘business skills’

Unfortunately many think that business skills can only be learned in a classroom whereas actually it is so easy these days with the internet and the ability to ‘self learn’.  To be honest  online self-learning is always available and more productive.

Last but not least the final of the 8 reasons that stop you becoming an entrepreneur …

8. Making the Shift

You’re used to someone else ‘telling‘ you what to do … someone else to make your decisions and bear the risks and responsibilities of implementation.  It’s a common problem for entrepreneurs but the great thing is it can be fixed! In fact we are so certain we wrote a book on it – The Mindset Shift – From Employee to Home Business Entrepreneur

So to conclude …

If you adopt the right attitude and take accountability and want it badly enough, you can be come an entrepreneur

Who Are We

We’re former accountants of a certain age with 5 great kids and 3 grandchildren. We love skiing and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful 6 figure business online and now speak on international stages following that passion.  Our business is centered on online marketing education and wealth creation and a desire to help you create financial freedom online through entrepreneurship whatever your age or experience.

Authors : The Mindset Shift

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