The Four Percent Group Review

The Four Percent Group Review

The Four Percent Group ReviewThose of you who know us and regular readers of our blog know that when we write a review such as this one – The Four Percent Group Review – we do so because we are a user of what we are reviewing or had personal experience of it.

So many reviews these days are written by people without that experience it’s hard to know what is real.  That’s been our philosophy from the very first day we came online and it’s no different today.

Therefore the four percent group review will be our personal experience and if you are thinking of joining or want to know if it’s worth joining the Four Percent Group by Vick Strizheus will get our personal opinion as a user.

We were lucky enough to be invited to The Four Percent Group right at the very beginning long before it even had a logo (in fact we came together to choose the design while we were holidaying in Spain)

Let’s look first of all at who the Four Percent Group is for and the kinds of people who are looking at it.

The first group of people looking at the Four Percent Group are those who want to start a business on the internet.  People who have realised that in the current economic climate that the “go to school, get an education and get a job” is not going to sustain them until the end of their days (we’re in our 60’s so we are in the right place to confirm that!)  These people are the new generation of entrepreneurs who would prefer to “create” their job and be their own boss.

The second group of people are those who have already maybe tried their hand at the online business “thing” but not had the success they expected

If you are reading this and one of those people then stay to the end before making your decision about joining The Four Percent Group

What Is The Four Percent Group

First of all we want to dispel the myth and address it in the four percent group review, by explaining that The Four Percent Group is NOT a system.

It’s a training and marketing platform for online entrepreneurs and teaches them how to build a profitable multiple streams of income business promoting products, live events and business tools.  This is the kind of business online entrepreneurs dream of having and up until the creation of The Four Percent Group didn’t exist.

It’s been a dream of ours ever since we began our journey online six years ago to be able to really help a newbie entrepreneur have success fast and then have income being generated from multiple sources.

The Four Percent Group ReviewThe Four Percent Group program will provide  sales funnels for each of the products offered to its members – unique to the four percent group together with tools and resources to market those products.  As Vick said on a recent members only training he will be providing a “wrapper” to great products and services already well known but members will not be able to promote them in a totally different way to someone not having the benefit of what’s inside The Four Percent Group

We’ll bring you details of some of those products in our next article so stay tuned!

The Four Percent Group Review – Multiple Streams Of Income

If you have followed us online for any time you know how we talk about our Three Legged Stool TM and creating multiple streams of revenue.  This is exactly what The Four Percent Group is designed for with the advantage that everything is in one place and quite honestly and online entrepreneur’s dream

How Does The Four Percent Group Help You?

The Four Percent Group is probably best described as a teaching program that helps you to run your own business  and teach you financial independence.  It has been designed so that a complete “newbie”  can learn step by step what is required to be a successful online entrepreneur and help them become in Vick Strizheus’ words an “eagle” prepared to leave the nest at any time and fly for themselves.

The Four Percent Group is also designed for the more experienced entrepreneur who like us has known the frustrations of trying to help people create their own financial independence but with only so many hours in the day to coach and train not been able to help as many as we would like… and quite frankly it’s not easy assembling multiple streams of income in an easy and duplicatable way … until now that is.

The Four Percent Group gives us all something to work with not just for ourselves and our own financial independence and lifestyle but  for others too and to be able to see someone earn their first commission really is something shouting out about (and it’s already happening)

Who Is A Four Percenter?

We couldn’t conclude The Four Percent Group Review without mentioning a very important factor in this whole equation and that is “who is a four percenter”

They are actually a very important person in the entrepreneur world and we covered it in an earlier post “Who Are The Four Percenters

In short they are people who work very strategically and create their own economy.  They are the folks who earn around 95-97% of all the income that’s being earned in any given industry and have the most amazing lifestyle but also who contribute the most.

If you are reading this then it’s our wish that YOU are one of those people


If you think that The Four Percent Group sounds like something you would like to be involved with then do take a serious look.  Come inside see what’s on offer and join the family.  We don’t think that you will be disappointed

You can find out more by joining us on this LIVE Webinar Replay (no optin required)

Just shoot us over a message after you watch it

Thanks for joining us on this page today

Chris and Susan Signature



Who Are We

We’re former accountants of a certain age with 5 great kids and 3 grandchildren. We love skiing and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful business online and now speak on international stages following that passion.  Our worldwide educational business is centered on online marketing business education and wealth creation and a desire to help you create financial freedom online through entrepreneurship whatever your age or experience.

Authors : The Mindset Shift

C&S ArizonaSkype : chrisbeesley1   susanbeesley1

Mobile/Cell: +44 (0)7802857551

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How To Become Wealthy : Pledge To Be One of The Four Percent


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