The Scam Review Conundrum

The Scam Review Conundrum

The Scam Review ConundrumWe rarely ever get involved in a discussion about scams and such like because it’s really adding fuel to an ever burning fire but enough is enough and today we’re going to tell your our thoughts on the scam review conundrum and share our knowledge and opinion on scam reviews too

Why? Because the things that certain people do in particular writing scam reviews hurts people, hurts genuine businesses and steals people’s dreams.

Let’s look at the word “conundrum” to begin with to set the tone of this post.  It’s defined according to the dictionary as “a confusing and difficult problem or question” and it is because clearly, as you will discover as you read further into this post, there are genuine scams and frauds which you should be aware of but there are also some very devious people who use scam reviews in particular to (a) promote their business versus the company or opportunity they are reviewing or (b) just to get traffic (eyeballs) to their offer to actually promote the business they are writing the scam review on.

So you see for someone new to the online world (sorry we should have said – that’s what we’re going to be concentrating on) the scam review conundrum is very real and very confusing because they have no experience of what goes on or who to believe even.  Trust us we’ve been there ourselves and probably the biggest sceptics you could hope to meet coming into this world from a professional business background.  But we practice what we preach and that is we highly recommend you to do your due diligence and then make a decision based on what you discover.  Most importantly, please don’t click on some link on the internet without taking time to look into what lies behind it.  There’s no rush after all especially if you are looking to invest in or start a business.

One of the biggest scam sites which actively encourages people to write scam reviews about people and companies is called scam dot com.  Now we are not going to put a link to it or even encourage you to find it (although we are sure you will – it’s human nature) because this company exists to encourage people to sign up and write scam reviews.  It’s sole purpose is not to educate as you would think but to act as a revenue vehicle.  As more people write reviews and comment it increases their Google profile keeping them high up the search engines. They then make advertising revenue from their website.  See things are not always what they seem are they?

Back to the subject of the scam review conundrum ….

There are some companies (and we won’t mention names here or we are as bad as they are) who encourage their members to write scam reviews about competitor companies.  They rank high in the search engines because they work together a bit like a ‘gentleman’s club‘ only allowing their members to comment and thus making their site, blogs, reviews etc look like genuine scam reviews ….any other genuine comments are not allowed to be posted (we know because we’ve tried)

In fact just recently the owner of a company we are very proud to represent and promote decided enough was enough and has taken out an action against a competitor company who were effectively “stealing” from honest affiliates of his company by writing scam reviews.  You can read it here as it gives you an insight into the kinds of things people do for personal gain and how to handle them yourself in the future.  It was a brave move to stand up to this particular company but they were actively trying to ruin the reputation and integrity of their competitor and he sought justice not just for his company but the livelihoods of its affiliates.

Sadly we often get follow up calls from people wanting to work with us who have got excited about working with us all ready to begin their journey then they’ve decided (as they should) to do a bit more research, seen these scam reviews and they just don’t know who to believe.  TRUST plays a big part in that equation.  Do you trust the person you are looking to work with or stuff you see on the Internet which you don’t know whether to trust or not?

We’ve often said that the internet is both a good thing and a bad thing and in this particular instance that’s true.  The internet has opened up a new world to many people including those who want to pursue their own business but like we said there’s a darker side too.

We remember the very first time that someone wrote badly about us.  We were very upset and would have given up but for our mentor telling us to ignore it.  We did and what happened was that people we had worked with, helped and knew us began giving their responses (unfortunately adding fuel to the ranking for the scam site) but people reading could then get a balanced view.

We have since discovered that you can actually have the bad review “reviewed” and possibly removed by applying to the Court Of Human Rights. Freedom of speech works both ways fortunately!

All of this is to help you understand that on the internet scam reviews are often not what they seem and if you are just doing your research about getting involved in a business and come across such a review at least now look at it with a fresh set of eyes knowing what goes on behind the scenes …. the scam review conundrum really exists!

And before we finish, let’s not forget those who have a grudge against a company or a program …. they exist in abundance especially in the world of online business.  They are the people who ‘clicked a link‘ looking for instant riches only to find it requires work to have success in anything.  They just love to share their stories and get sympathy.  Now this is not true in all cases and some may have genuine issues but these can usually be settled “off line” with the company through proper channels.

We hope we have given you an insight into the world of scam reviews and allow you to make your own informed decisions after doing your “due diligence” but hopefully now with your eyes wide open.  It’s always our intention to share the real truth with our hindsight and experience and this article is the real truth about scam reviews as we see it.

Trust your instinct and you can’t go far wrong 🙂

Thanks for reading and we look forward to seeing you here again very soon

Chris and Susan Signature




Who Are We

We’re former accountants of a certain age (60+) with 5 great kids and 3 grandchildren. We love skiing and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful business online and now speak on international stages following that passion. Our worldwide educational business is centered on online marketing business education and wealth creation and a desire to help you create financial freedom online through entrepreneurship whatever your age or experience.

Authors : The Mindset Shift

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