A Guide To Becoming A Home Based Business Entrepreneur

A Guide To Becoming A Home Based Business Entrepreneur

A Guide To Becoming A Home Based Business EntrepreneurSix years ago in our mid fifties we took the bold step to become online home business entrepreneurs and and three years wrote a book The Mindset Shift – From Employee To Home Business Entrepreneur to help others follow in our footsteps – our post today is a guide to becoming a home based business entrepreneur and we spill the beans taking extracts from our book – to help you become the home based business entrepreneur you’ve always yearned to be and to assure you it’s a career to be proud of!

One of our favourite quotes is this “The Best Way To Predict Your Future Is To Create It“.  That’s exactly what we did.  And we’re here to help and guide you on your journey with the benefit of our experience, insights and of course the ever valuable benefit of hindsight, to help you get to where you want to be more easily and faster than the time it took us.

Let’s get over the first hurdle to begin shall we?

A Guide To Becoming A Home Based Business Entrepreneur – Face The Fear

There are some very common misconceptions and limiting beliefs we have encountered (and even had ourselves at some point)  Becoming an entrepreneur – especially a home based business entrepreneur – is no different to doing anything new.  You’re moving into new and unknown territory and operating outside of your comfort zone.

Here’s some of them and don’t be suprised when you see them because we’re certain you will have thought them just like we did

  • It won’t work for me
  • It’s too hard
  • I’m not techie
  • I can’t do it
  • I’m too late
  • I missed the boat
  • I’m too old
  • The time’s not right yet
  • I can’t give up my job
  • I can’t be successful …

And so the list goes on.  What we want to have you know is that if you don’t believe you can be successful then you are right and nothing you will do will change that unless you deal with that fundamental belief first.  You will only ever be as successful as you believe you can be.

Know Your Reason Why

Now we’ve got that out of the way and you know that you have to potential to be successful let’s look at the next crucial point regards your home based business and that’s what do you want to achieve?  If you have ever read Alice in Wonderland or watched the film you will remember Alice asking the Cheshire Cat during her adventures if she was on the right road.  He asked her where she was going and she said she didn’t know.  He replied “in that case any road will get you there”  How right he was.  If you are wandering aimlessly you will never arrive at your destination because you don’t have one.

You can take this test to begin this process and determine your income goals

If you are thinking about making the change from your current situation, job, career to becoming a home based business entrepreneur there must be a good reason to do that – it’s usually money first and foremost that comes to mind and why you should do the test but let’s look at some of the other reasons

  • Why do you want the change?
  • What are you looking for that you don’t currently have in your life?
  • What do you currently have in your life you want to eradicate or reduce?

Back to mindset again, if you look for the end result, the feeling that comes as a result of having that thing taken care of then you have that ONE thing that will drive and motivate you …. even on the bad days!

You see, when thinking for example about changing what you do for a living because you want more money you need to ask yourself also

  • Why do I want that?
  • For what purpose?

To help explain this better let’s use some universal examples.

Say you want to buy a bigger house. What will that house give you?  More space, relaxation, freedom perhaps?

Would you like to take more holidsay?  If so why? What will that do for you?

Maybe you wouldl ike a newer or better car?  What will getting that give you?

The key thing each time is that the money is not the motivation.  It’s just the vehicle to get what you want – a financial means to achieving an emotional end

Our friends, a couple from Texas explain this really well in this video – you see the money gave them choices and the ability to do the things they wanted to be able to do in life – like support their favourite animal charities as well as doing some fun and amazing things with their family. Do watch it and if you want to look at becoming an online home business entrepreneur then this is a good opportunity to get involved.

A Guide To Home Based Business Entrepreneurship




For us it was about having the money to replenish our pension pot that all but got wiped out in the recession and property crash of 2008 and have the freedom to travel but be able to work at the same time.  You’ve probably heard it described as the laptop lifestyle and probably wondered if it can really work for average people.  Well let us tell you that it can and more and more people are looking at home based business entrepreneurship just like us.  We actually wrote an article about it – you can read it here

We also recorded a short video sharing our thoughts on “why home based business entrepreneurship” – you can watch it here

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a home based business entrepreneur but not ready to take the plunge right away then do read our Amazon best seller The Mindset Shift as we believe it will help you on your quest to discover if home based business entrepreneurship is for you.  Its available in book or kindle format.

Thanks for reading A Guide To Home Based Business Entrepreneurship and welcome to our world

Chris and Susan Signature




Who Are We

We’re former accountants of a certain age (60+) with 5 great kids and 3 grandchildren. We love skiing and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful business online and now speak on international stages following that passion. Our worldwide educational business is centered on online marketing business education and wealth creation and a desire to help you create financial freedom online through entrepreneurship whatever your age or experience.

Authors : The Mindset Shift

gondola-rideSkype : chrisbeesley1 susanbeesley1

Mobile/Cell: +44 (0)7802857551

Email : info@chrisandsusanbeesley.com

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