The Shift From Employee To Entrepreneur

The Shift From Employee To Entrepreneur

The Shift From Employee To EntrepreneurFirst of all it has to be said that the shift from employee to entrepreneur is not easy, but it is definitely achievable … and within 6 months!

How do we know?  Because we’ve done it, got the T-shirt and written the book (literally – The Mindset Shift from Employee to Entrepreneur)

5 years ago this year we made the shift from employee to entrepreneur after 6 months working part time on our business after coming home from work every day!

We were sick to death of the 6 day 60 hour weeks and always at the beck and call of our clients (we were accountants and management consultants and even though we had our own business it really was no more than a job).  The shift from employee to entrepreneur was going to happen no matter what!

As we say in our book …too many people are challenging the 20th Century illusion that “you have to get a job and work hard for someone else all your life, doing something you probably don’t like.” They are taking control and creating personal success by becoming a Home-Based Business Entrepreneur

Understand you are going to find obstacles and meet objections and you’re going to need motivation and inspiration making the shift from employee to entrepreneur. Bookmark this page and this video and come back to it as often as you need to.

The reality is that most people spend 10 hours of their day dedicated to working a job they don’t like and get a few hours of free time to do whatever they choose (cook, eat, shower, watch TV, browse the internet and all that good stuff) and the remaining hours are to sleep and prepare for the next day!

It wasn’t the lifestyle we saw for ourselves for the rest of our lives and we sure it isn’t the way you want to live (especially if you are reading this article)

Six Months To Make The Shift From Employee To Entrepreneur

Six months should give you the necessary time to quit your job and work full-time on your new business but you have to set yourself goals and timelines to do the necessary work every day to be able to do that!

You have to calculate how much you are willing to sacrifice (in terms of luxury and comfort) to achieve your goal and be very disciplined to do whatever it takes.  Working extra hard to meet your first $1000 earnings per month then setting a new goal of earning $1500 or $2000 per month (depending of course of what your monthly outgoing costs are and what savings you have put by for this 6 months transition).  This is the start of your new lifestyle where you will be the boss of your own life and your own income.  If you don’t put in the work you won’t earn any money so expect to put in the time up front.

The reality is that you have already made the decision that you want more time, more money and more freedom.  It’s often times when your back is against the wall that you finally decide to do something about it

It was certainly that way for us and we told that story just the other day “The Straw That Broke The Camel’s Back”

Who Are We

We’re former accountants of a certain age with 5 great kids and 3 grandchildren. We love skiing and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful 6 figure business online and now speak on international stages following that passion.  Our business is centered on online marketing education and wealth creation and a desire to help you create financial freedom online through entrepreneurship whatever your age or experience.

Authors : The Mindset Shift

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