Top Passive Income Affiliate Products
Top Passive Income Affiliate Products: In this article we’re going to be talking about affiliate products that fall into the catogory of “passive income” and whilst we will be talking specifically about affliate products within our niche this applies to any niche pretty much and you really don’t want to be leaving money on the table because realistically this can be your “bread and butter” so as to speak. Also “products” means digital and physical products.
Passive income is that income that comes in over and over and over again (passively) after you have done the work the one time. It’s often referred to as “making money while you sleep” and whilst that seems elusive to most people it does 100% work and is the “daily bread” of all the top affiliate marketers
We’ve talked about affiliate marketing many time so we won’t labour the point in this article other than to say its a wonderful way to make money in all kinds of niches and sectors. However, something many affiliate marketers and business owners often overlook is what we would call passive promotion. The kind of promotion where you set it and forget it leaving affilaite commissions rolling in.
We talked about it on our Facebook LIVE the other day and Chris referred to it as a “bolt on” affiliate promotion. I called it “the icing on the cake. Even if we can’t agree on the terminology we both understand how important this kind of commission is.
How Do We Achieve This Passive Affiliate Income?
Essentially it means adding your affiliate links to your content, pages and posts on social media and other places where they can remain continually earning for you.
If you just see down the side of this article we have little banners representing many of the affiliate products we promote (some even mentioned here in this article) This means our “shop” is open 24/7 365 even while we sleep and articles we write (like this one) attract visitors to our website and some may look at and click these banners and buy our offers.
And it’s the products you choose to promote (within your niche) and the way you do it that will give you the passive income and have you raking in those commissions long after you’ve forgotten you ever put that link out there!
Top Passive Income Affiliate Products
Before we share those we have in our business let’s just be clear on something. You have to (yes have to) select products and services with a good track record that will be around for the long term… because that means long term income for you! We would add to that because we think its super important, its a product or service you own and use yourself.
More than that, you want to promote products and services that offer a clear outcome. It is after all the outcome that people really buy – the transformation that a product or service brings about
Here’s the top passive income affiliate products we would recommend in our niche for example are the following but they are (and this is important) products we use ourselves and quite frankly indispensable enough that people will pay for the ongoing subscription.
Email Autoresponders
Funnel Builder
Whatever your particular niche there are going to be products your customers and prospect won’t want to be without
Finding them really is as simple as searching GOOGLE and then signing up for their affiliate program
Then do a review or create some useful content around the product as we said above and there you have it … affiliate promotions running for you around the clock
For more on this topic we highly recommend you grab yourself a copy of Passive Affiliate Products it goes into much more detail than we can cover here and we know it will help you get yourself set up for passive affiliate income in your business
Thanks for reading and stay in touch for more on how to build a long term affiliate marketing based business
Who Are We
We’re former accountants of a certain age with 5 great kids, 4 grandchildren and a cat called Vincent ? We love skiing, the mountains and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build successful businesses online and now speak on international stages following our passion. Our business is centered on online marketing, financial and business education for those in or approaching retirement. You can find out more and ways to work with us here
Authors : The Mindset Shift The Mindset Shift Goal Setting Secrets Retire Inspire