What is Attraction Marketing?
You may have heard of attraction marketing but never really understood what this means or maybe you have tried to apply it but haven’t seen any real results.
If you take the time to learn about it and apply it to all of your marketing then you will have people coming to you to ask about your business and your products. Sound good? No more cold calling, hard selling or chasing people!
Imagine that you are one person amongst say 500 people selling the same product. Wouldn’t you want to be the ONE person that was picked out from those 500 and they wanted to buy from you? Well it is possible when you apply the rules of attraction marketing.
Susan asked Stuart Ross about his book “Attraction Marketing Strategies of the New Rich” and he explains how attraction marketing enabled him to build a multiple six figure income.
You need to study and understand the concept of attraction marketing and how to build relationships and trust. It is definitely worth the time you spend learning this concept – we absolutely attribute our success online to taking time to build our brand as the ‘good guys‘ in the “make money onlne” world.
Here’s an excerpt from the book “Attraction Marketing Strategies of The New Rich”
“The Simple Science of Marketing”
” Have you ever wondered why so many small businesses fail? It’s not because the owner’s don’t know their business. They’re probably a great plumber / massage therapist / electrician / network marketer / affiliate. What they’re usually not, is a great business person.
The people who DO succeed in business know that there’s really only one law that all business is based on: the law of supply and demand.
The only real secret to doing well in business is identifying a need, and then filling that need.
It sounds simple, doesn’t it, but think about some really massive comapnies out there.
People need good take out coffee. Starbucks came along with their philosophy of putting a Starbucks on every corner, and boom, a multi million dollar company was born……
People need something to clean their teeth. Proctor and Gamble developed toothpaste, and another mega company was born.
So the secret to successful business really IS all about find a need, and making sure, you have the product or service to fill that need.
Once you have a product / service /item that fulfils that need, all that’s still up to you is to market it in such a way that the people who need it (your target market) hear about it, and they trust you to give it to them.
Yes. Marketing really IS that simple.
Most business people hate the idea of selling. They don’t want to tell people about their products, but they DO want customers knocking on their door to buy them. Crazy isn’t it?
The truth is, there are two types of selling.
There are the dyed in the woold ‘salesmen’ that turn up on your doorstep, get their foot in the door and then refuse to leave until you’ve parted with your hard earned cash. That’s not the kind of selling most people want to do, and quite honestly, that’s not the best way to sell anyting.
The second type of selling is a lot more subtle. It’s about providing a great product or service, but its also about making the buying experience pleasant. It’s about giving your clients great information, and about going the extra mile. It’s about making people WANT to buy from you …….”
You can now buy your own copy of Attraction Marketing Strategies of The New Rich – we would thoroughly recommend this if you are looking to build a six figure business.
Attraction marketing is not essential to making money online but those marketers who use it are the ones who are succeeding. If you are serious about building a six figure business then attraction marketing should play a very important role in your business and in building your brand.
The Attraction Marketing Concept
The concept behind attraction marketing comes down to giving value before talking about your business, your opportunity or your products and services. Position yourself as the expert, a person of authority who can help someone achieve what they are looking to achieve when they find you online.
It is natural for people to seek out experts and leaders and this has been going on since the beginning of time. If you apply this principle to your business and create a following of people who look to you for guidance then you will achieve the greatest success.
Think about how you looked for someone to help you ….. did you look for someone with no experience or did you look for someone who had already created success?
If you are looking to learn the strategies that have helped us to build a six figure business – including the attraction marketing blueprint – then you can get started right now and you get your very own copy of the book included. It’s as simple as just clicking on the link below
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