What Is Your Turning Point

What Is Your Turning Point

What Is Your Turning PointWhat Is Your Turning Point: Let’s face it everyone has one and it’s what turns desire into action and action into results.

When we look back to one of our darkest moments  it was in 2008 when we realised that everything we had worked so hard for was at risk and we needed to do something about it.

Life is all about turning points. Some people don’t embrace them, because they fear change – but after our 6 years online, we’ve learned to see shifts in success and forks in the road as huge opportunities. Turning points, while they often come from moments of darkness, can steer us in the direction of great light… or lightbulb moments.  When you make new choices.

In this video our mentor Matt Lloyd CEO of MOBE shares his “turning point” and how that lead to the creation of a multi-million dollar internet business….

Every single wealthy person has experienced their Turning Point.

We’re talking about that moment in your life, where your desire to become wealthy outweighs the warm comfort zone of staying where you are.

Desire transforms into commitment. Commitment to not just study the principles, but to actually apply them with pigheaded stubbornness.

If you haven’t had your Turning Point yet, listen to this story where Matt Lloyd tells you about his.  We hope it inspires you to make the right decision for yourself and commit to becoming financially free today….

We mentioned at the beginning of this post our turning point … that moment when we discovered that our retirement planning and investment in property led us to make a big decision that changed our lives

You can see our story here

We hope that you will be inspired to step outside of your “comfort zone” and begin a new journey that will take you where you would like to be … wherever that is for you

Thanks for reading

Chris and Susan Signature



Who Are We

We’re former accountants of a certain age (60+) with 5 great kids and 4 grandchildren. We love skiing and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful business online and now speak on international stages following that passion.  Our worldwide educational business is centered on online marketing business education, financial literacy and wealth creation and a desire to help you create financial freedom online through online entrepreneurship whatever your age or experience.

Chris And Susan Beesley Costa Rica Sun SetAuthors : The Mindset Shift

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