Why Your Prospects Don’t Buy Your Stuff … & How To Take Them On A Journey Of Discovery
Why Your Prospects Don’t Buy Your Stuff: This article is all about the conversation we have with entrepreneurs almost every day. We even did a presentation on the customer journey last year at an entrepreneurs conference in London.
We hope by sharing our knowledge of the prospects journey and why your prospects don’t buy your stuff the first time they see it you will have a greater insight into why that is and better still change the way you communicate with them. The reason for using a pyramid to illustrate this will become clear as you read on …
If you’ve been reading our articles over the past months, we’ve talked about how important it is to market to your dream customer (target market) but even when you do that just know that they are rarely going to buy right away.
That’s because not everyone is ready right away to make a purchase.
It’s frustrating because they’ve opted into your funnel via your marketing and it seem weird that they don’t buy right away but ….
The Customer Journey
Let’s explain why that is and the different stages of their journey you need to understand and what your job is during each stage in order to take them on a journey of discovery and buy from YOU and only YOU.
Problem Aware
Your prospect is aware they have a problem and know there is a solution online. Your job is to convey to them that you understand their problem, their pains and that there is a solution.
That solution happens to be Attraction Marketing and here’s why.
Solution Aware
Your prospect is aware of their problem and know there are different solutions but not sure which is the right one – so for example social media but you then have Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tick Tock, Instagram, Pinterest etc
Your job is to establish that Attraction Marketing is the best solution to their problem versus other solutions
Product Aware
Your prospect s aware of various solutions available. They have decided to go with Attraction Marketing but not decided if your offer is the right vehicle for them
Your job is to show that your offer is the best Attraction Marketing product and you are the best person to buy from.
Most Aware
Your prospect is ready to buy and you have to be the one they buy from.
You have built the relationship with them and have provided sufficient information during the different stages of the journey so that you are at the forefront of their mind when they are ready to click the buy button
Here’s what it looks like (now you will see why we used a pyramid)
As a marketer, your problem is that you don’t know where in the cycle your prospect is so you have to take them through the whole process as they enter your funnel.
Let’s look at how do we take our prospect on this journey, build trust and be there for them when the time comes for them to buy?
The answer is effective email marketing (avoid it at your peril!)
We think of it as our pipeline to sales and we suggest you should too. Here’s a few statistics according to consider [Source:The Radicati Group]
- 8 million emails are sent every day.
- There are 4.6 billion email addresses
- 20 emails are sent per person per day.
Email marketing is the growth engine of your business over which you have total control and it’s an audience you have paid for and own so don’t dismiss it as unimportant!
We’ve covered email marketing in a previous article but here’s a summary for you to put it in perspective of the prospect’s journey with you.
How Does Email Work
People love to buy solutions that are tailored to them from someone they perceive as an expert or authority that fully understands them
They do not like to buy generic solutions.
How do you do that?
- Write to one person
- Know what they look like
- Remember the headline opens the email
- The content gets them to know you and take an action
- Sell without selling through telling stories / case studies
- Email every day – they want to buy something and they will buy from someone else if not you (they are probably on multiple subscriber lists)
- Be fun and entertaining, they have to want to read your emails – creates an “Aha” moment for them
- Chatty intro that gets people to know you and/or sets the scene
- Stories are good
- Leaves them wanting to continue reading
Identify a problem you are going to talk about
- Paint a visual picture
- Relate yourself to this problem (creates authority)
- Show you understand what they are going through
Rub salt in the wound (Agitate)
- Paint a picture of “Hell Island”
- Intensify the consequences of this problem carrying on
- Create desire for the solution “Heaven Island”
Provide a Solution
- Yours is the best and why
- You need to be intimately familiar with your product
- Reinforce the Know Like and Trust
- Name
- Picture of you – a good one!
- Contact details
- Your ‘PS’ – always include CTA (call to action)
You need to develop your own writing style but here’s an example of one we wrote just recently
Headline : ?Your ship has finally come in [New]
You can read the whole email here
We were actually promoting a resource to help entrepreneurs with their content
To summarise
Your email must provide good value content, educate, entertain, tell stories
and make offers and take your prospect on a buying journey so that when the time comes, they will buy from you and only you.
Thanks for reading and do let us know if sharing this information on your customer journey will help you in your marketing and communication 🙂
Who Are We
We’re former accountants of a certain age (60+) with 5 great kids and 4 grandchildren. We love skiing and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful business online and now speak on international stages following that passion and helping transform lives. We started an online education and training business helping entrepreneurs in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s create their ultimate retirement breakthrough and find a way to fund their retirement and fulfil their passion and purpose as midlife entrepreneurs. Our worldwide educational business is centered on online marketing business education, financial literacy and wealth creation and a desire to help you create financial freedom through online entrepreneurship whatever your age or experience.
Authors : The Mindset Shift
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