Going for Gold
Britain’s Helen Glover and Heather Stanning won the women’s pair rowing to give the host nation their first gold medal of the London Olympics which was fantastic news. They really were “Going For Gold”
We listened to the girls being interviewed last night and it was just wonderful to listen to them and to be able to share their success ….. they have even had a Great Britain Postage Stamp made in their honour.
Listening to them talking about their achievement it was fascinating to learn that they were in fact ‘recruited‘ to join the Olympic Program which was looking to find tall athletes with little prior experience of rowing. What a great story.
Here’s what they said “…take the chance to do something, do anything. Work hard and do your best and you can achieve anything.” Our sentiments entirely!
What is interesting about that is the fact that if it is possible for two women with little experience of rowing to win an Olympic Gold proving that with the right training and mindset you can do anything! And of course that applies to whatever you do too. You absolutely have to have a mindset that you will achieve whatever you set out to do and give it your very best shot – “going for gold”! And if you get silver or bronze or even come in 4th it doesn’t matter because you went for it!
And that got us to thinking about the huge buzz around the Olympics and how for the most part we all tune in and share the success of the athletes as they give their best for themselves and for their country.
Why does the world stop and watch?
Is it because we get to witness the culmination of many years of persistence, determination and commitment? On that one day, an athlete will have their chance to put those years of hard work into realisation. The chance of realising their dream (if they win a gold medal) and of achieving their personal best.
That we witness hundreds of athletes all having ‘the best day of their lives’ and realizing that all the hard work and sacrifice was worth it, just to compete in the worlds biggest sporting event.
Going for Gold
When we run our own business it can feel that we put in years of hard work and sacrifice and we may never have the ‘best days of our lives’ and achieve that golden medal for our business or ourselves.
We know from talking to many of our students (and clients in our old life as management consultants) that they are easily discouraged and never achieve their full potential.
Let’s consider how you can achieve excellence and your personal best in your business starting now!
Excellence can be obtained if you:
- care more than others think is wise
- risk more than others think is safe
- dream more than others think is practical
- expect more than others think is possible.
What a great code for business success – we love it.
You can read more from Women Unlimited in the link below and grab some great tips about visualising “going for gold”
Going for gold in your business | Women Unlimited
We’ll be back again with more success tips and information to help you build your business to it’s full potential.
Meanwhile if you have a dream of financial freedom, lifestyle ….. whatever it is that tells you that life must change ….. you need to become an entrepreneur – there is no question about it.
You’ve got to “GO FOR GOLD“
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