The doors opened this week for Google Plus “Business Pages” so we thought we would give you an insight into what they are and what they can do for you (plus a little bit of inspiration from some brands that are already using Google Plus Business Pages).
Naturally we got ours – Chris and Susan Beesley and Chris and Susan TV for the webshow.
It was rather nice to get an email from them with tons of information and advice on getting the best out of our page….. we couldn’t keep it to ourselves so here it is 🙂
Here are a few of the ways we hope Google+ can help you make lasting connections online with your customers:
- Have real conversations with the right people: Hold Hangouts to chat with your customers face-to-face and use Circles to share targeted messages with specific groups of your followers.
- Inspire customers to recommend new ones: With Pages, people can now recommend your brand, not just your individual ads or sites, helping your +1’s add up faster.
- Increase the performance of your ads: +1’s surface recommendations in search and display ads.
- Connect across all of Google: Your +1’s reach not only the 40 million users of Google+, but all the users who come to Google every day.
Here’s a few brands already using Google Plus for Business just to give you a little inspiration
Here’s how to get started if you haven’t got an account yet (in fact we recorded a video on it which gives you a quick tour
Here’s how to get started:
- First, join Google+ as a user if you’ve not done so already
- Then create your Google+ Page in minutes: you’ll need some images and a brief description. See our Getting started guide for more
- Get inspired by circling key Google Pages: Google+ Your Business, Google+, YouTube, Think, Creative Sandbox
In the coming weeks, there will be some more exciting opportunities for you to learn more about the platform:
Learn with Google webinar: Getting Your Business on Google+
- Step-by-step instructions on set-up and getting started
- Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2pm-3pm ET
- Register here
- Help Desk Hangouts
- Opportunity to join hangouts with Google+ experts to answer technical and content questions
- Thursday, Nov. 17, 12pm-3pm ET
- To join, just visit our Google+ Your Business page
- Hangouts on Air
- Watch highlights from recent hangouts:
- Black Eyed Peas Backstage Hangout
- Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu
- Hangout with the Muppets, Nov. 17, 7:30pm ET
- To watch, visit this Google+ page
We certainly believe this is going to be a great place to grow your business brand and look forward to seeing it develop.
You can connect with us on Google Plus for Business
Chris and Susan TV and Chris and Susan