Man Too Stupid to Wear Hat …. Or Is He?
Last night on the Six Figure Mentors Master Marketing Training that we hosted we threw out at 60 day Blogging Challenge starting with an image we used in the presentation ….. we are pleased to say that as of 24 hours after two ACTION TAKING members have got their blog posts out and have shared them with us …. congratulations! We will be sharing the post from the first person (Nick James) off the starting block right here a little later …….
This all started as a bit of fun … because business should be fun but the guys called us out too and asked us to write our own blog post
So here goes …….
Why is the man wearing his hat the wrong way round?
Possibility #1 He is wearing sun glasses so he may not need the shade from the peak of his cap but he does need protection on his neck
Possibility #2 He thinks it is cool to wear his hat like that
Possibility # 3 He just likes to be different and ‘stand out from the crowd‘
Possibility # 4 He’s promoting ‘ATM’ and wants to make sure he gets a photo for his sponsors
Possibility #5 He’s just stupid
We are sure there are many other possibilities you might be able to come up with …. and we’re sure you will tell us
We are going to go with “standing out from the crowd” since, to be honest, that is what it says to us.
This is the guy’s image – he’s not too stupid to wear a hat. He just wants to be seen as the person different to all the other guys and it clearly worked because he was the one photographed!
When you become an online entrepreneur the same thing applies – you don’t want to be seen as one of many. You want to be seen as THE person to go to and the way to do that is to build your brand in the niche in which you market.
For us that niche is online (internet) marketing coaching and training and we have spent the past 2 1/2 years building that brand – as ourselves – as Chris and Susan Beesley. We now have a recognised brand.
That is what attraction marketing is all about.
What attracts people to us? Not silly hats obviously!
No, it’s our reputation for honesty and integrity and being real people who answer emails, skype calls and the phone. In this world of spam and scam on the internet this is incredibly important.
We can’t of course guarantee success for everyone we speak to (we wish we could) but we can set them on the right course and put them in front of the kind of training that works.
So, as promised here is Nick Jame’s answer to “Man Too Stupid to Wear Hat” … we like this one!
” …….. The guy has a tool (his hat) that he is not using properly, and the reason that most people wouldn’t have picked up on this straight away, is because we’re used to seeing this type of tool being misused like this.
The hat was designed to perform a certain function and to be effective, it needs to be used as intended – the right way round!
That’s great Nick, but what’s that got to do with The Six Figure Mentors??
Well, the same thing applies to the tools and strategies that we use online. To get the best results, we need to use our online tools and strategies effectively.
But the harsh reality is that most online marketers don’t. They see what other people are doing and they do the same – which is all well and good if you are copying effective marketing, but more often than not, it isn’t.
The Six Figure Mentors helps keep the sun out of your eyes by making sure you have your bloody hat on the right way! (See what I did there…haha )
It’s a proven system that teaches you the correct way to market, not just the most popular way. Just because it’s popular, doesn’t make it right or effective – just ask the guy in the picture.
The main reason most people market the wrong way is poor knowledge which usually comes from poor education and training. And this is really the basis of The Six Figure Mentors. It is a marketing blueprint to success. ”
You can read the rest of his blog post here
Thanks for putting out this challenge Team SFM and we look forward to seeing your posts in the coming days.
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Skype: chrisbeesley1 / susanbeesley1
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