Facebook Block Empower Network

Facebook Block Empower Network

Don't panic, Mr Mainwaring, don't panic!

Don't panic, Mr Mainwaring, don't panic! From the Sit Com 'Dad's Army'

If you woke up this morning and logged into your Facebook account you may have found that your Empower Network Blog Posts you had shared are no longer available and ones you had shared in groups have the following message ……… interesting

In the words of the great TV SitCom Dad’s Army – “Don’t Panic Mr Mr Mainwaring, don’t panic!

We did a bit of investigating and have discovered that Facebook have decided to block Empower Network ….. FOR NOW!

That means no Facebook commenting will appear on the Empower Network Blogs, and you cannot share any Empower Network Blog URL’s or Empower Network Lead Capture Page URL’s …..any Empower Network direct URL’s!

Facebook have also closed the Dave Wood and Dave Sharpe Empower Network Facebook Group which supports its 40,000 members who happen to hang out on Facebook.

Why would Facebook Block Empower Network

Because Empower Network is growing SO FAST, SO BIG…. they have even closed the Dave & Dave Empower Network Facebook Group which supports the 30,000 plus members who hang out on Facebook.

It’s complete madness – Empower Network is a company that has already paid out more than $9 million dollars in COMMISSIONS….

…. has an affiliate count of over 40,000 and has only been in existence for less than a year.

Now if you are an Empower Network affiliate this may seem disappointing for a second but think about it differently for a moment ….. think on the bright side.

If you are already and affiliate you are part of a company that is SO BIG, GROWING SO FAST, SO BIG…..that FACEBOOK feels we are taking up too much space – dominating conversations.  They are forgetting of course how many people Empower Network are helping in their primary business and the revenue that Facebook have been generating from advertising of both Empower Network and those primary businesses.

How to Get Round The Facebook Block on Empower Network

If you have a marketing campaign in progress or just generally send links to the Empower Network Replicated Capture Pages then you can get round that by creating your own lead capture pages.

We’re sure it won’t be long before Facebook lift the  ban and let people get on with building their business …… and having access to a system (the Empower Network Blogging Platform) that helps those with no previous experience get started easily.

It’s not good business sense for Facebook – and Facebook is after all a business.

Using URL Shortners for your Empower Network Links

It had been suggested earlier that you could use shortening services like bit.ly, goo.gl or tinyurl but it seems these won’t work right now either … Facebook really are being a pain.

Using the Empower Network Facebook Application

It looks like you can use the Empower Network Facebook Application for now and can access that at: http://apps.facebook.com/empower_blog/

Then on the Top right…click on Access Affiliate Tools.  Then you can go from there :)

Not all parts of it are working due to the Facebook Block of Empower Network

We hope this is useful to keep you going … just continue to be great and ethical marketers sharing how you can help people – just get them to Private Message you and start a conversation (there will be a lot of them going on right now) ….. you never know where it may lead.

Please share this post and leave any comments below to help your fellow Empower Network colleagues Fight the Forces of Evil!!!

Signature Photo Chris and Susan

Skype: chrisbeesley1 / susanbeesley1

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