Money Can’t Buy Happiness – It’s True
We are huge fans of Think and Grow Rich having read and studied Napoleon Hill’s teachings.
Every day we get the Daily Teachings from the Napoleon Hill Foundation and this is one of our absolute favourites and we have referred to it many times in the past and shared it with our community.
Why Money Can’t Buy Happiness
Happiness is found in doing — not merely in possessing.
It’s true: money can’t buy happiness. Most of us are motivated by aspirations of the lifestyle we desire for ourselves and our families, not by the physical possessions — homes, vacations, automobiles, etc. When you recognise this fact, you will know that you must constantly “raise the bar” to encourage yourself to reach higher goals.
Your goals should include the possessions that you desire, but as former Apple Computer chairman and CEO John Sculley said, “Success is a journey, not a destination. Make sure you enjoy the trip.”
If your mind is constantly focused on stuff that you don’t have – generally, it will produce unhappiness.
In other words – let’s say that you want $10,000 a month, and you don’t have it. Instead of focusing on what you DO have, you focus on what you don’t have. You focus on the ‘lack’ of money in your bank account, or whatever. That’s a formula for not being happy.
Whenever your intent is focused on NOW you become happy. In fact, it’s actually impossible to be dissatisfied with yourself if your focus is in the moment.
Money Can’t Buy Happiness – The Formula
A formula for happiness = focus your energy of intention in the moment, and then – remember a time you were happy, and what it felt like.
Whether you’re happy, or sad has NOTHING to do with money. Happiness is an emotion.
So is sadness. Neither have anything to do with money. If you want to be happy – smile, focus on the moment, and remember a time when you were happy.
If you want money, follow the laws of money, and be a giver. Give more, and more will come back at you.
Let’s talk about money, for a second. How do you get more money?
The truth is – you may as well have more, since it doesn’t have anything to do with how you feel, or anything other than the fact that you have it.
(Evil people have been rich – so have incredible people who give their whole fortune away to the poor – it’s unrelated to righteousness, or anything else but the laws of money)
So how do you get more money? Simple: Follow the laws of money.
Just like happiness follows certain laws, so does getting lots of money. First, we want you to disconnect getting money from emotion of any kind. Money has nothing to do with emotion. Sometimes, people believe that they’ll get money if they want it really badly.
The reality is, wanting money badly simply causes your mind to confirm the fact that you don’t have any. The more badly you want money, the harder you’re going to find it to get more of it.
Why? Because by the act of wanting it, you’re showing your unconscious mind that you don’t have enough. Your unconscious mind will then look for ways to prove the fact that you don’t have enough.
It will prove it by helping you not get money.
The reality is – if you want money, the first step is disconnecting money from emotion. Think about money like you think about a hammer.
It’s an object – nothing more. Money is not a human being. Money is not something to love.
Money is also not something to want, or not want. It’s just there. Second, there’s only one way we know to get more money. It’s comprised of two parts:
1. Have a vehicle that produces lots of money.
A vehicle – like a hammer, needs to be used in the proper way. It doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get rich, it just gives you a vehicle to produce what you want.
Here’s the truth: Get a good vehicle.
2. Giving creates money.
Now, don’t ask how this works – we can’t begin to explain it. We can tell you, for example – that there’s no more powerful way to show you unconscious mind that THERE’S MORE THAN ENOUGH for you than by giving.
Giving works – and it doesn’t matter how. Rich people are more giving than the poor, in every country, society, religious group, and social circle.
Here’s the interesting part, though: Rich people start giving BEFORE their money comes.
A lot of people look at someone like Bill Gates, who’s giving a THIRD of his money to charity, and they criticise – because ‘of course‘ he’s given money away – he’s rich! They say “I’d give money away if I were rich, too!!!”
Having money has NOTHING to do with what you were born with. It has to do with how much you give (and it needn’t be money that you GIVE) Giving GIVES back a hundred fold
Whether you’re happy, or sad has NOTHING to do with money. Happiness is an emotion. So is sadness. Neither have anything to do with money. If you want to be happy – smile, focus on the moment, and remember a time when you were happy.
If you want money, follow the laws of money, and be a giver. Give more, and more will come back at you.
PS If you have not read “Ask & It Is Given” By Jerry & Esther Hicks then you can download a copy here