The Truth Hurts – Winners and Losers

The truth always hurts … but no pain no gain as they say!

Last night we were hosting the Live Wednesday evening webinar for The Six Figure Mentors on the subject of “Winners and Losers” and talking about  the mindset of entrepreneurs which is especially important when you are working online.

Our research led us to this story ……..


Its a true story about 20 strangers who met in a chat room and made a pact together to make $50,000 revenue iin 3 months by getting their ideas out as fast as possible.  It was a big but serious dream especially considering some members were close to broke! here’s the thing ….. in just 9 weeks two of the people in the group exceeded $50,000 and a few more were close behind and going great guns. Conversely however, at the same time over half the group were barely making any progress at all..

All of the group were working in the same niche and marketplace and reaching out to the same audience.

So what’s was the difference?

Why did  some of the group do so well and others less well?

It’s all about “Winners and Losers”  and as you read the traits of winners and losers you will start to identify these traits in yourself.  We certainly did.  The good news is that if you can identify some of your behaviours as ‘losing’ traits (the truth hurts!) you can take action to change.

Are You Ready to Take the Test?

The Winners

  1. The winners set launch dates, deadlines and aggressive goals like releasing a new product/update/offer every two weeks. They may miss, but they try hard to hit them.
  2. The winners focus on this one project with pinpoint precision. They make more money because they can say no to pursuing other projects. That makes sticking to #1 much easier.
  3. The winners don’t focus on perfection and are more focused on getting something good out there quickly, that getting something perfect out there sometime in the distant future.
  4. The winners accept “flops” as inevitable, and embrace the “flop”. They know their early attempts probably won’t do great, so it is important to get those early attempts done and dusted as quickly as possible.
  5. The winners hunt out their mistakes. This is against our natural emotion to accept we did things wrong but it is vitally important to improve. The winners know that mistakes are normal and are not wrong at all. They hunt out what they did wrong so they can improve next time.
  6. The winners say “If they can do it so can I”, and they find out how they did it. They network, analyze, scrutinize, and reverse engineer to find out why someone else did better than they did.
  7. They focus on a few USPs (unique selling propositions) and copy the rest from other winners.
  8. The winners focus on extending their strengths (after identifying them) and rely on using or copying others in areas they are weak.
  9. The winners hunt out successful people they can learn from and put a big effort into networking.
  10. The winners are generous to their partners and stakeholders. They pay generous commissions, good wages, share profits and help others. Their generosity stands out against the competition. This motivates their partners and creates opportunities.
  11. The winners focus on marketing more than the product/idea/service. In fact the marketing drives the product creation.
  12. The winners block out distractions and set time aside to get things done. They are disciplined to turn off email, chat, television and any other distractions that stop them from working.

The Losers

  1. The losers drift and don’t held themselves to deadlines or targets. Ask the loser when his next deadline is and he won’t know.
  2. The losers can’t say no to shiny objects and have a lot of projects on the go and find it too hard to abandon any one project to focus more on others. Quite simply they can’t focus.
  3. The losers focus on perfection. They want everything ‘just right’ for when they make that all important launch. Perfection takes a long time and they miss opportunities and the learning process from launching NOW!
  4. The losers fear the flop. So much so that they may never launch, and if they do they may hide away or seek to blame others and not accept responsibility when things don’t go to plan.
  5. The losers are stubborn and don’t want to be shown their mistakes. They want to prove to the world that what they did was right, and that it was others that were wrong. They’ll even go as far as calling their customers stupid for not buying their product. They will be very reluctant to change.
  6. The losers look at the winners and make excuses about why they can’t do what the winners have done. Instead of looking for ways to emulate the winners, they hunt out differences which they can identify as excuses for not being a winner.
  7. Losers forget about having any USPs at all and just try to copy someone else (and do a worse job). Just as common in losers is that they think they must do things differently to all the winners to stand out, and that doing this gives them a USP. So they choose not to do everything that the winners do to be “unique” and “clever”, and fail at the same time.
  8. The losers focus on trying to handle and be good at everything, and are reluctant to put their weaknesses in the hands of others.
  9. The losers avoid talking with successful people, or agitate successful people, because they don’t take advice and criticism well. Just being around successful people depresses them rather than motivates them because it shows that they have made mistakes and need to change, so they avoid it.
  10. The losers are greedy. They don’t want to share their profits and success with others and will offer lower commissions, wages, profit share and less help to others. They ultimately alienate themselves from opportunities.
  11. The losers focus on their product foremost and marketing second. They may produce an awesome product, but without solid marketing it flops.
  12. The losers are easily distracted. In fact they unconsciously routine their day to have distractions like email alerts, chat, television, news, chores, phone calls etc. so they don’t have to face the music. They invite distraction rather than actively take steps to block it out. Even though these distractions lower their quality of life and stop them from achieving their dreams.

What we suggested on the training call last night was that everyone write down each of the key points on a piece of paper and decide for each whether they were a winner or a loser and then focus on changing from ‘loser’ to ‘winner’ so that all of the time they were taking winning actions.

So why did we give this blog the title of “The Truth Hurts”?  It’s because it is going to involve you being honest with yourself as you read through the list and realise that the reason you had not been achieving success in a particular area of your business was because you had a ‘losers’ mindset instead of a ‘winners’ mindset.

We could certainly recognise certain traits we needed to improve on ….. but that’s the point.  If you can recognise it then you can change it.

To make it easy for you we have put this list into a PDF Document that you can download.

Source: MunchWeb and Greg and Fiona Scott

Tell us what you are going to change – a problem shared is a problem halved as they say!

Chris and Susan Beesley Signature


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