“People seek a challenge just as fire seeks to flame”
What’s Yours?
Let’s look at what some of “the challenges” are for someone looking to get started online – they usually start with a question and end with the word ‘but‘ …… does that sound familiar? It was for us too.
“I don’t have the time”
One of the biggest challenges to getting started online is making time for your online business while working a full time job. Especially if you have a high time demanding position. As much as we would love to just quit our job and pursue our online dreams, we have to be responsible. We have bills to pay and families to provide for.
Two years ago we were in that exact same position – we were working 6 days a week in our management consultancy business and had very little time to have the life we were working towards and we knew that things had to change ….. many of you will have heard our story. We knew that we had to do something about it before time ran out. We also knew that the way to buy back that time was to start an online business …… but how would we find the time … you can find out here?
If you are determined to get started then you can find the time – just look at the time you spend watching the TV, travelling to and from work for example. All of that time can be used productively. We’re not saying it is easy. It’s not …. in fact it can be very hard. But it is possible if you really want to do it enough. Maybe for you it is getting up an hour earlier each day.
For us it was hard too. We used to come home from working with clients and spend 2 hours each evening working on setting up the basics of our business and we didn’t have half of the tools that are available today like wordpress for website building.
“I’m no good with technology”
This is a familiar question and another of the biggest challenges that newcomers to starting online have. They think it is incredibly difficult to build websites, lead capture pages and set up autoresponders. It really isn’t if you work with a system like The SFM where you get step by step video training on how to set up your foundations.
Here’s a peek behind the scenes.
To be honest, if you can use ‘word’ or any other wordprocessing package and can copy and paste then technology is not going to be a challenge.
“I don’t have any money to invest”
Now that is a challenge. Having an online business is no different to any other business – it requires monetary investment to get started and will continue to require operating capital for marketing etc.
Unfortunately because there is so much ‘free’ stuff available online (and there’s nothing wrong with that) the impression is that there are little or no costs involved in running an online business. True setting up and running an online home business requires far less investment than say running a franchise or a traditional home business but nevertheless you cannot do it without working capital (money)
That is one challenge that we cannot solve right away. Our suggestion however would be to find a way to make some additional money and save it for your online business fund. You could also start to learn as much as you can so that you have the knowledge to hand for when the time is right for you. Think about what skills you have that you could offer.
Many a time at seminars we have heard from speakers who have been in just that same situation and they have offered to work for free for someone they admire in return for free training . Where there’s a will there’s always a way!
Our question to you today is “What’s Your Biggest Challenge with Getting Started Online?”
We’ll be continuing this theme over the next few blog posts and giving you some help and inspiration along the way.
Finishing off today with two great quotes we’re sure you’ll love
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy” Martin Luther King
“I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. I challenge you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk” Tony Robbins
PS Please share this post – we’ve made it very easy for you and you never know who you might be helping