What Is A Dark Post

What Is A Dark Post

What is a dark postWe regularly hold online training and workshops and just the other day we were asked “what is a dark post?

It sounds like something really shady doesn’t it?   Actually it’s not “dark” or shady at all. In fact it’s something you as a newbie marketer or even a more experienced marketer or business owner / entrepreneur will want to know all about.

Let’s explain what is a dark post …

What is a Dark Post

We will try to explain what is a dark post as simply as we possibly can especially for those of you who are new to Facebook marketing.

But …. first of all in before answering what is a dark post, let’s dispel the myth that a dark post is something ‘evil’ or ‘black hat’.  It definitely isn’t.  It’s a legitimate marketing strategy that Facebook™ allows.  It is the term referred to in the marketing process whereby you can create a news feed style advert that does not actually get published to the news feed of your page.  Hence the description ‘dark post’

According to the definition from Google, what is a dark post:

An unpublished post is a status update, link share, video or photo that was never meant to be shared as an organic post. Staying true to its name, it’s never published but is only surfaced as an ad.

Basically, it’s a Facebook post that you control exactly who sees it through ads.

Using the dark post strategy you can target different audiences, split test headlines, and even create personalised messages for demographic and geographic targets.  Literally running dozens of adverts all on the same day and without a single ad showing in their own news stream.

Thus meaning you do not have to be some big name or have a huge fan page with thousands of likes to get some traction with your Facebook™ marketing.

Are you starting to sense the power of the dark post?

You see by using ‘dark posts’ you can target a very large pool of potential customers without clogging up your page and your news feed with what might be irrelevant content to some of your page audience.

One of the other benefits of this strategy is that users with little money for marketing can enjoy the benefits of this strategy too.  But you’ve got to be prepared to learn how to do it if you want to get good at it or use software that take out the hard work for you!

Now that we have covered what is a dark post let’s move on to see how dark posts work …

How Dark Posts Work

Dark posts are created using the somewhat clunky, very obtuse, Power Editor.  If you want to go it alone and create dark posts and have no idea what the Power Editor is then we suggest you read this article before proceeding.

The key to creating dark posts in the Power Editor lies in the editor’s ability to create posts.

How that you’ve seen the tutorial you know what you need to do …..

How To Create A Dark Post

compose-facebook-unpublished-postFire up the Power Editor and start by clicking on Manage Pages. Choose the page you would like to create the post for. Now hit Create Post, but be sure to click the radio button that says Unpublished Post.

Now create your post by completing the fields. Remember, this is an ad, so pay close attention to headlines, call-to-action buttons, descriptions and images etc

Once you’ve created your post, don’t forget the Power Editor requirement to upload the changes. You must make sure to hit that Upload Your Changes button before you can use this post.

If you are creating multiple posts you can create them all now, and simply upload the entire batch. (You can view how your post will look on the desktop and in mobile and if they all look alright then you can proceed)

Once all of your posts are created and uploaded you can switch to your Ad Manager, and start creating ads by selecting the appropriate post to use as an ad, select your audience, and choose your budget.

You can organize your ads by campaigns and ad groups.

We recommend you check in here for more tutorials on how to create Facebook Ads and bookmark the site for future reference.

Note : The Power Editor only works in the Google Chrome Browser

Dark Post Software – Dark Post Profits 2.0

What is a Dark PostThere’s always an easier way to do things and we believe this is an investment worth making if you want a cost effective way of marketing on Facebook™.

Everything you need to know about dark posts, what is a dark post, how to create a dark post, benefits of a dark post etc are all clearly covered.  Furthermore, his training is Facebook™ compliant and there are no shenanigans or black-hat stuff going on.

We thoroughly recommend you get Dark Post Profits 2.0 so that can become a master at using the Facebook™ news feed  – drive more visitors, leads, and sales to your business than you ever imagined possible.

Here’s what’s included:-

  • 100+ Simple to follow Video Modules
  • Downloadable Audio of the Entire Course
  • Access to 10,000+ Example Fb™ Ads
  • Custom Software to Manage Fb™ Comments
  • Expert Interviews with 6-7 Figure Earners

We are fortunate to know and to have worked with the creator of Dark Post Profits 2.0 and know first had of his proven track record of massive success in Facebook™ marketing.

If you don’t know the ways and techniques of marketing on Facebook then no one will click on your ad. Or if they even click on your ad, it won’t turn into potential traffic.

Dark Posts are a very profitable marketing strategy but time is of the essence and if you have a tool that will help you get from where you are now to where you want to be in your lead generation then Dark Post Profits 2.0 is it.

So there you have it.  We’ve explained what is a dark post, how to create a dark post (including a link to tutorials for those of your wanting the DIY route) and best of all a software that will get you there faster if that’s what you’re looking for.

Who Are We

We’re former accountants of a certain age with 5 great kids and 3 grandchildren. We love skiing and traveling the world and have achieved a fabulous life helping others to start and build a successful 6 figure business online and now speak on international stages following our passion.  Our business is centered on online marketing education and wealth creation and a desire to help you create financial freedom online.

Authors : The Mindset Shift

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Mobile/Cell: +44 (0)7802857551

Email : info@chrisandsusanbeesley.com

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